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Statistics Quiz-3

Statistics Quiz-3

  Statistics Quiz-3 Statistics Quiz-3 Question: The bar figure is a ---- (choose the correct answer ) (a) one-dimensional figure (b) two-dimensional figure (c) non-figure (d) not one on top. Answer: (a) One-dimensional figure. Question: The information displayed in the column can help...
Statistics Quiz-4

Statistics Quiz-4

Statistics Quiz-4 Statistics Quiz-4 Statistics Quiz-4 Question: Who invented the Lorenz line? Answer: Dr Lorenz, a statistician, invented the Lorenz Line. Question: What is meant by the Quaradic deviation? Answer: The difference between one-third and one-fourth of the values ​​of...
Statistics Quiz-2

Statistics Quiz-2

Statistics Quiz-2 Statistics Quiz-2 Question: What do you mean by Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)? Answer: When the answer to a question has more than two alternatives, the question is called a 'Multiple Choice Question'. Question: What do you...
Statistics Quiz-1

Statistics Quiz-1

Statistics Quiz-1 Statistics Quiz-1 Statistics Quiz-1 Question: What is meant by a consumer? Answer: A person who buys an item to meet his needs is called a 'consumer'. Question: Write the name of an economist who is one of...

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