C Bronte | Jane Eyre | A Brief Comment


C Bronte | Jane Eyre | A Brief Comment


C Bronte | Jane Eyre | A Brief Comment

C Bronte | Jane Eyre | A Brief Comment

C Bronte | Jane Eyre | A Brief Comment

‘Jane Eyre’ is a social novel by Miss Charlotte Bronte (1815-1855), an English female novelist of the nineteenth century. In this novel, the novelist has portrayed the status and conditions of women in the society of her time. The novel is autobiographical in style as it is written in the first person. The heroine of the novel, Miss Jane Eye is an orphan adopted by her maternal uncle Mr. Reed who took her to his home, Gates-head Hall and advised her wife Mrs. Reed to treat Jane Eyre as one of their children. But soon Mr. Reed died accidentally and hence onward the family began to treat her as a dependent servant and began to treat her cruelly. Then she was sent to Lowood School. Where she spent eight years and then was engaged as a governess to a French girl named Adela Varens. There she spent about nine years as a governess. During this time the guardian of Adela Varens desires Jane to marry. But when she comes to know that the guardian, Mr. Rochester, had already two wives by the name of Grace Poole and Mrs. Fairfax then she declines the offer and runs away to a house called Marsh End, the guardian, and owner of that house was St. John who appointed her a mistress to a school in Morton. Later on, St. John offers the proposal of marrying her. But she did not agree and ran to Whitecross, her former employer. But going there she came to learn that the mansion of Mr. Rochester had been burnt and destroyed totally and Rochester lost sight of his eyes and an arm. Then she met Rochester and began to wait upon him and later on they got married and a child was born to them with whom they began to live happily.

Thus the novelist has successfully portrayed the status and condition of women, especially orphans in the English society of that time. 0 0 0


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C Bronte | Jane Eyre | A Brief Comment

N. B. This article entitled ‘C Bronte | Jane Eyre | A Brief Comment’ originally belongs to the book ‘World Novel Criticism‘ by Menonim Menonimus. C Bronte | Jane Eyre | A Brief Comment

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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