Abid bin Al-Abras | Life and Poetic Career


Abid bin Al-Abras | Life and Poetic Career

Abid bin Al-Abras | Life and Poetic Career

Abid bin Al-Abras | Life and Poetic Career

Abid bin Al-Abras | Life and Poetic Career

Brief Life Sketch: Abid bin Al-Abras was one of the leading Arabic poets of the pre-Islamic era. He was probably born in the Asad tribe of Arabia in the late fifth century. This tribe was under the control of Hujar, the father of the famous pre-Islamic poet Imraul Qays. The name of his father is unknown. But it is known that his family was very miserable and spent their days in poverty. In the early part of his life, he did not write any poems. There is a legend about how his poetic power was awakened. According to the legend, one day he went to a pond in the middle of the desert with his sister named Mabia to fetch some water for a goat. But he was stopped by a man from another community who beat and kicked him and sent him away. Being insulted and tired, he went to rest under a tree and fell asleep. After a while, the person who had insulted him was going home and on the way, he saw Abras sitting under a tree and reciting some obscene poems accusing him of committing adultery with his sister. Abras was deeply saddened by this humiliation and raised his hand and prayed, “O God, give me the strength to resist this humiliation.” After this prayer, he fell asleep and dreamt that a man put some hair in his mouth and asked him to get up from his sleep. After this, Abras gained poetic power and from that day he took to composing poems till his death.

He later went to the court of Hujjar and became a royal adviser and representative of the Asad tribe. He died in 555 AD in the court of Hujar.

Poetic Career: Abid bin Al-Abras composed many poems. But sadly, only a fraction of these poems have survived the decay of time. The poems that have come down to us show us clearly that he was a poet of a high level. He wrote poems on the hardness of life, love, admiration, condemnation of adversaries, the roughness of the desert, nature, etc. His poems, like those of other pre-Islamic poets, also contain the description of camels. It is known from some of his verses that he was a believer in monotheism.

The language of his poetry was advanced and theoretical. His metaphor was amusing and interesting. The rhythm of his poems was free and short.

It is worth mentioning that Abid bin Al-Abras was one of the most popular poets of the pre-Islamic era and he made a significant contribution to the development of Arabic poetry in the pre-Islamic era. 0 0 0.

Read More: A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Early Islamic Period (622 AD-661 AD)

N.B. This article ‘Abid bin Al-Abras: His Life and Poetic Career’ originally belongs to the book entitled ‘A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Pre-Islamic Period (500 AD-622 AD) by Menonim Menonimus.

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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