5th Love Letter to Liza


5th Love Letter to Liza

5th Love Letter to Liza

5th Love Letter to Liza

My Dearest Liza,
As the gentle winds of Bahag, the first month of the Assamese calendar, embraced us in their warm embrace, the magic of love blossomed on the vibrant day of the Rongali Bihu session. My heart was captivated as I witnessed you, adorned in the resplendent Bihu dress, dancing and singing amidst a sea of people. In that ethereal attire, you resembled a celestial being sent to grace this world for my sole delight.
You wore the graceful mugha sari, the exquisite Muga mekhela, and a red ribbon that adorned your flowing hair. The midday sun illuminated the Bihu field, which was teeming with spectators eager to witness your enchanting performance. Your mesmerizing dance enthralled everyone present, but I, my love, was overwhelmed to the point of fainting.
In one captivating moment, the gentle eastern breeze playfully lifted the fringe of your sari, revealing the exquisite beauty of your arms and neck. The sight that unfolded before my eyes left me utterly speechless and stunned. My heart raced, and my feet trembled, uncertain whether it was the sight of you or the timidity within me that caused such a reaction.
Your graceful movements were accompanied by the delicate swaying of your head and the subtle bowing of your thy. After an hour of enchanting the world with your artistry, you sought solace under the shade of a majestic teak tree. It was then that I summoned the courage to approach you, casting a shy glance in your direction. Regrettably, you seemed oblivious to my presence, which pained me to the core. The anguish I felt was akin to being consumed alive by a blue whale.
The sun, radiant and benevolent, cast its golden rays upon your exquisite face, transforming you into a nymph or a subject of a beautiful painting. My desire to converse with you welled up within, yet my tongue betrayed me, leaving me at a loss for words. I was filled with profound regret, for I failed to express myself and engage in conversation with you. The pain I experienced was so intense that I felt as if my very existence had withered away.
My beloved Liza, this love that burns within me is a flame that refuses to be extinguished. With every passing day, my adoration for you grows stronger, and the memory of that fateful fifth day of love remains etched in my heart. Please know that I long to be able to share my thoughts and feelings with you, to express the depth of my affection and devotion.
Yours sincerely and forever,
M M.
5th Love Letter to Liza
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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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