Shakespeare | The Taming of the Shrew | A Review


Shakespeare | The Taming of the Shrew | A Review

Shakespeare  The Taming of the Shrew  A Review

Shakespeare’s ‘The Taming of the Shrew’-A Review

“The Taming of the Shrew” is one of William Shakespeare’s early plays, believed to have been written between 1590 and 1594. The play is a comedy that tells the story of Petruchio, a wealthy gentleman from Verona, who decides to marry Katherine, a sharp-tongued and headstrong young woman known as the “shrew.” The play is known for its controversial treatment of gender roles and its portrayal of the relationship between Petruchio and Katherine.

The play opens with a framing device in which a nobleman, Christopher Sly, is tricked into believing he is a lord and is shown a play to entertain him. The main action of the play then begins, with Petruchio arriving in Padua looking for a wealthy wife. He hears about Katherine, the daughter of Baptista, a rich gentleman, and decides to pursue her. Katherine is known for her sharp tongue and bad temper and has driven away all potential suitors. However, Petruchio is undeterred and sets out to woo her.

Petruchio’s courtship of Katherine is unconventional, to say the least. He arrives late to their first meeting, insults her, and then insists on marrying her despite her protests. After the wedding, he continues to treat her badly, denying her food and sleep and even breaking furniture in a fit of rage. Petruchio claims that he is “taming” Katherine and forcing her to be a good and obedient wife.

The play’s treatment of gender roles and the relationship between Petruchio and Katherine has been the subject of much debate and controversy. Some critics argue that the play is a celebration of traditional gender roles and that Petruchio’s treatment of Katherine is justified because it leads to her eventual obedience and submission. Others argue that the play is a satire of these traditional gender roles and that Petruchio’s treatment of Katherine is cruel and abusive.

Regardless of one’s interpretation, the play is undeniably entertaining. The language is witty and clever, and the characters are well-drawn and memorable. Petruchio is a charismatic and larger-than-life figure, and Katherine is a fascinating and complex character who challenges the audience’s expectations. The play’s many subplots also add to its charm, including the antics of Katherine’s younger sister Bianca and her many suitors.

In conclusion, “The Taming of the Shrew” is a classic Shakespearean comedy that continues to captivate audiences centuries after it was written. Its treatment of gender roles and its portrayal of the relationship between Petruchio and Katherine may be controversial, but the play’s wit, humor, and lively characters make it a must-see for anyone interested in Shakespeare or in classic literature in general. 0 0 0.

Shakespeare The Taming of the Shrew A Review

N. B. This article ‘Shakespeare The Taming of the Shrew A Review’ originally belongs to the book ‘Reviews on William Shakespeare’s Works‘ by Menonim Menonimus.

Books of Literary Criticism by M. Menonimus:

  1. World Short Story Criticism
  2. World Poetry Criticism
  3. World Drama Criticism
  4. World Novel Criticism
  5. World Essay Criticism
  6. Indian English Poetry Criticism
  7. Indian English Poets and Poetry Chief Features
  8. Emily Dickinson’s Poetry-A Thematic Study
  9. Walt Whitman’s Poetry-A Thematic Study
  10. Critical Essays on English Poetry
  11. Tawfiq al-Hakim’s Novel: Return of the Spirit-An Analytical Study
  12. Tawfiq al-Hakim’s Novel: ‘Yawmiyyat Naib Fil Arayaf’-An Analytical Study
  13. Analytical Studies of Some Arabic Short Stories
  14. A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Pre-Islamic Period (500 AD-622 AD)
  15. A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Early Islamic Period (622 AD-661 AD)
  16. Reviews on William Shakespeare’s Works

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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