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Statistics Quiz-4

Statistics Quiz-4

Statistics Quiz-4 Statistics Quiz-4 Statistics Quiz-4 Question: Who invented the Lorenz line? Answer: Dr Lorenz, a statistician, invented the Lorenz Line. Question: What is meant by the Quaradic deviation? Answer: The difference between one-third and one-fourth of the values ​​of...
Statistics Quiz-3

Statistics Quiz-3

  Statistics Quiz-3 Statistics Quiz-3 Question: The bar figure is a ---- (choose the correct answer ) (a) one-dimensional figure (b) two-dimensional figure (c) non-figure (d) not one on top. Answer: (a) One-dimensional figure. Question: The information displayed in the column can help...
GK Quiz

GK Quiz

GK Quiz GK Quiz  GK Quiz Q. 'Myristica fragrance' is what common spice? Ans:   Nutmeg Q. The constellation Mensa has what English name? Ans:   Table Q. Collective nouns - A family of what? Ans:   Sardines. GK Quiz Q. Who was...
Best Quiz

Best Quiz

Best Quiz Best Quiz Best Quiz Q. In 1839 what innovation was added to bicycles? Ans:   Pedals. Q. What is the most eaten food in the US? Ans:   Milk and Cream Q. What country consumes the most fish per...
The World's Largest-Quiz 

The World’s Largest-Quiz 

The World's Largest-Quiz The World's Largest-Quiz  The World's Largest-Quiz Q: What is the largest river island in the world? A. Majuli. Q: Which is the largest mosque in the world? A. Shah Faizal Masjid (Pakistan). Q: Which is the largest bank...
Assamese Theatre Quiz

Assamese Theatre Quiz

Assamese Theatre Quiz Assamese Theatre Quiz Assamese Theatre Quiz Q: Who is the father of Assamese drama?  A. Sri Sankardeva. Q. What are the plays written by Srimanta Sankardava called? A. Ankia Nat. Q: What is the main character of Ankia...
Universe Quiz

Universe Quiz

Universe Quiz Universe Quiz Universe Quiz Q: What does science mean? A. Science refers to the special knowledge gained through systematic observation, experimentation, analysis etc. on the principles, formulas or working methods of a subject, object or event.  Q:...

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