Amor Ibne Madi’karib | His Life and Poetry


Amor Ibne Madi’karib | His Life and Poetry

Amor Ibne Madi'karib | His Life and Poetry

Amor Ibne Madi’karib | His Life and Poetry

Amor Ibne Madi’karib | His Life and Poetry

Brief Life Sketch: Amor ibne Madi’karib was a poet, brilliant orator, and heroic warrior of both the pre-Islamic and early Islamic periods.

He was born in 533 AD to a pagan family in Yemen. He had a very large physique and a high tone of voice. His childhood was spent in the chaos, play, joy and entertainment of Bedouin society. He was a believer in traditional pagan religion for most of his life, but after the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) migrated to Medina he went to Medina in 631 AD with some of his tribe and converted to Islam with the Prophet. Though he converted to Islam he could not give up the chaotic ways of Bedouin life. He was a very gluttonous man. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) died a year after he converted to Islam. Then Madi’karib renounced Islam and reverted back to paganism and fell prey to the instigation of the hypocritical prophet Aswad al-Ansari and took up arms against Islam at the Battle of Ridda. However, he was captured by Muslim forces and imprisoned. He was released after asking forgiveness from the Caliph Abu Bakr and converted to Islam. He then fought bravely on behalf of the Muslim army during the reign of Abu Bakr and Umar. In 637 AD, at the age of 110, he fought bravely at the Battle of Qasedia, paving the way for the victory of Islam. It is said that as a warrior he was equal to a thousand warriors alone. The Caliph Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) often took his advice on war tactics.

He showed extraordinary bravery on the battlefield and his name as a brave warrior spread far and wide. Many contemporary and later poets wrote many poems praising his heroism.

In 642-43 AD, he took part in the Battle of Nehawande and fought with immense bravery and was finally killed on the battlefield by the enemy.

Poetic Career: Amor Ibn Madi’Karib was a poet by nature. He wrote a small number of poems, but most of them were lecture-type. The main themes of his poetry were war and heroism. His description was objective and unbiased. He never exaggerated when praising anyone. He fluently embodied the courage of the Bedouin nation in his poetry. In some of his poems, he also described his own bravery and heroism. In a poem he wrote:

“I see, the cavalry coming on the winding road

Like a stream flowing in the fields

My heart is pressed first,

The next moment I push my mind forward

Then my mind regains courage, my fear goes away.”

Some of his poems are about love. His love poems deal with the description of the beauty of the female body but he does not praise it. He was always polite when he wrote about women.

Some of his poems deal with philosophical matters, e.g.

“Why do you adorn yourself with beautiful robes

Know that beauty is never in clothes.

Beauty is the mine of all virtues

The heir of all greatness and good deeds.”

Some of his poems reflect the melodies and chimes of Quranic verses. Some lines of his poetry read like enlightening proverbs. For example, the following lines can be mentioned:

(a) Give up what you cannot afford to do.

(b) Do work with great enthusiasm, whether small or big. 

His language was profound, his feelings were serious and his descriptions were simple and brilliant, his imagination was thoughtful.

He wrote a small number of poems, but with those, he contributed to the development of the Arabic language and literature. 0 0 0.

Amor Ibne Madi’karib | His Life and Poetry

Read More: A Brief History of Arabic Literature: Pre-Islamic Period (500 AD-622 AD)

Amor Ibne Madi’karib | His Life and Poetry

Note: The article ‘Amor Ibne Madi’karib | His Life and Poetry’ originally belongs to the book entitled ‘A Brief History of the Arabic Literature: Early Islamic Period (622 AD -661 AD)’ by Menonim Menonimus. Amor Ibne Madi’karib | His Life and Poetry

The Qur’an: Source of Arabic Language and Literature

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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