Short Story

All Short Stories by Menonimus

For Love

For Love

For Love (Short Story by M. Menonimus)   For Love For Love At about 9 o’clock in the morning, the prison ward police came to Hall No. 3 and called out, “Harbhajan, prisoner no-321, you are summoned to the...
The Tale of a Female Waiter

The Tale of a Female Waiter

The Tale of a Female Waiter (Short Story by M Menonimus) The Tale of a Female Waiter The Tale of a Female Waiter Karl Rogger is a prisoner in the central jail of England. He is an...
The Tale Told by A Negro Youth

The Tale Told by A Negro Youth

The Tale Told by A Negro Youth (Short Story by M. Menonimus) The Tale Told by A Negro Youth The Tale Told by A Negro Youth During my tour to Philadelphia, my guide cum driver was a Negro...
The Portrait of A Venture School Teacher

The Portrait of A Venture School Teacher

The Portrait of A Venture School Teacher (A Short Story by M. Menonimus) The Portrait of A Venture School Teacher The Portrait of A Venture School Teacher The term ‘Venture School Teacher’ is a queer phrase made up...
The Sense of Sin

The Sense of Sin

The Sense of Sin (A Short Story by M. Menonimus) The Sense of Sin The Sense of Sin The time is evening. The morning sun is about to take rest beyond the western sky. The evening yellow light...
The Man-eater

The Man-eater

The Man-eater ( Short Story by Menonimus) The Man-eater The Man-eater Enjoying the encaged snakes, birds, monkeys, deer, hippopotamus, gorilla,s and other animals with wild and slimy scenery we have arrived at the over-bridge and standing...
The Refugee

The Refugee

The Refugee (A Short Story by M. Menonimus) The Refugee The Refugee The other night I was very late to go to bed and no sooner had I lie on the bed than I heard a female voice...
The Confession

The Confession

The Confession (A Short Story by M. Menonimus)   The Confession The Confession It is almost midnight. The Rosy House is replete with kith and kin, friends, and neighbours. All are in a busy and jubilant mood. The electric...
The Reminiscence

The Reminiscence

The Reminiscence (A Short Story by M. Menonimus) The Reminiscence The Reminiscence On the first December evening, Pradip, one of my school days mates, suddenly arrived at my residence without any previous information. Then I was busy with...
The Pangs of Conscience

The Pangs of Conscience

The Pangs of Conscience -- M. Menonimus The Pangs of Conscience The Pangs of Conscience Mr V. P. Buchanan is one of the reputed millionaires of India. It is told that he spends a good deal of his...
The Fugitive Father

The Fugitive Father

  The Fugitive Father ---M. Menonimus   The Fugitive Father The Fugitive Father All officials of the Head Office of Linc and Company are in a jubilant mood as the new Managing Director has joined today at 9 o'clock. On...
The Porter

The Porter

The Porter --M. Menonimus   The Porter The Porter Being failed to catch the last night super to Silchar, I decided to stay at a hotel at Last Gate, Dispur. And hence I was waiting for a city bus...
The Child not Loved by Parents

The Child not Loved by Parents

The Child not Loved by Parents -- M. Menonimus The Child not Loved by Parents The Child not Loved by Parents As soon as the school clock strikes half-past twelve, we get leisure time for an hour. The...
In Search of A Job

In Search of A Job

In Search of A Job (A Short Story by M. Menonimus)   In Search of a Job In Search of A Job When I got off the train it was 9 o'clock at night. The entire town seemed to...
At Half Passed Twelve Short Story by Menonimus

At Half Passed Twelve | Short Story by Menonimus

At Half Passed Twelve --Menonim Menonimus At Half Passed Twelve At Half Passed Twelve | Short Story by Menonimus At half-past twelve, he comes back home. All are asleep. The season is summer. It is too hot. The...

Waiting | Waiting S Story by Menonimus

Waiting --Menonim Menonimus   Waiting Waiting | Waiting S Story by Menonimus Half-past eleven at night. After the whole busy day, all have taken rest in bed, only a woman about thirty is stirring in her bed.  A kerosene...
The End of a Police Commissioner

The End of a Police Commissioner

  The End of a Police Commissioner (A Short Story by M. Menonimus)   The Police Commissioner The End of a Police Commissioner The End of a Police Commissioner: Ashif is one of my best friends. We met each other...

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