Use of Prefix and Suffix


Use of Prefix and Suffix


Use of Prefix and Suffix

Use of Prefix and Suffix

Use of Prefix and Suffix



A Prefix is a syllable or syllables placed at the beginning of a word to make a new word. It adds something to the meaning. In the English language, most suffixes come from Latin and Greek. A list of some common Prefixes is given below:

Use of Prefix and Suffix

1. Re (= again): rewrite a letter, re-enter a room, remarry a widow. regain life.

2. Semi (= half): semi-skilled workers, a semi-conscious state, a semivowel.

3. Mono (= one): monorail, monolingual, a monotone.

4. Multi (= many): a multinational company, a multi-storey building.

5. Super (= big/more): a superstory, a superstore, a superhuman effort, a supersonic aircraft.

6. Sub (= under/less): subconscious, subnormal intelligence, sub-zero temperatures.

7. Mini (= small): a minilamp, a minibus, a miniskirt, a minicomputer

8. Pre (= before): a preface, a preview, the pre-war years, prehistoric times.

9. Post (= after): a post-dated cheque, the post-war period, a postmortem report.

10. Ex (= previously):  ex-wife, ex-Director, ex-Principal, ex-student.

11. Inter (= between): inter-city trains, an international phone call, an interaction, an inter transaction.

12. Trans (= across): transcribe, transaction,  transatlantic flight,  transplant.

13. Co (= together): co-exist, co-operate, a co-production, my co-driver

14. Over (= too much): overburden, overdone, over more, overcrowded, ill from overwork, an overgrown garden, overweight

15. Under (= too little): undermark, undervalue, underrank, undercooked food, an understaffed office, underpaid

16. Out (= more/better): outlived both her children, outnumber the opposition, outplayed their opponents,

17. Pro (= in favour of): pro-government forces, pro-European policies, pro institutional discipline.

18. Anti (= against): anti-war policies, anti-nuclear treaty, anti-aircraft guns

19. Mis (= badly/wrongly): misrule, mishave, misuse, misbehave, misgovern, miscount,  misunderstanding.

20. Un: undo, unfold, unhappy, unfair, unofficial, unemployed, unplug, unpack a suitcase.

21. In: influence, inhabit, inexact, independent, indirect, inexpert,  injustice, infinite.

Note:  ‘In’ is not use before l, m, p or r. We use il, im and ir instead, as:

immoral, impossible, impatient, irrelevant, ill-luck, illegal, illogical; immobile,  irresponsible

22.  Dis: discover, dislike, disturb, disdain, dishonest, disunited, disagree, disappear, dislike, disadvantage

23.  Non: non-vegetarian, non-alcoholic drinks, a non-stop flight, a non-smoker

24.  De: deform the body, defeat, dethrone the king, defrost a fridge, the depopulation of the countryside, the decentralization of government.

25.  Demi (= half): demi-god, demi-official, demi-clerk.

26.  Ultra (= beyond): ultra-violet, ultra-modern.

27.  Tri (= three): Trinity, tricolour, triple, triangle.

28.  Pseudo (= false): Pseudo-classic, pseudo-name, pseudo-philanthropist.

29.  Bi (= two): bi-colour, biennial, bigamy, bicycle, biweekly, bifocal, bisect.

30.  Ambi (= both sides): ambivalent, ambiguous, ambidextrous, ambition.

31.  Ante (= before): antenatal, antemeridiem, anti war, antedate

32.  Anti (= against): anti-war, antinational, anti-social, antidote, anticipate.

33.  Arch (= chief): arch-angel, arch-bishop, arch-enemy.

34.  Auto (= self): Autograph, autobiography, automatic, automobile, autocrat.

35.  Bene (= well): beneficial, benefactor, benefit.

Use of Prefix and Suffix

36. Circum (=around): circumstance, circumscribe, circumvent, circumference.

37. Contra (= against): contradict, contravene.

38. Counter (= against): counteract, counter-attack.

39. Em (= in): embark, embody, emblem, embolden.

40. Equi (= equally): equivocal, equidistant, equilateral, equivalent.

41.  Extra (= beyond): extraordinary, extravagant.

42.  Homo (= like): homogeneous, homonym.

43.  Hetero (= different): heterogeneous, heterodox.

44.  Hexa (= six): hexagon, hexameter.

45.  Hyper (= over): hypertension, hypersensitive, hyperbole, hypercritical.

46. Non  (= not): nonsense, nonviolent, non-cooperation.

47. Pan (= all): Pan-Islamic, Pan-American, panorama.

48. Philo (= love): philosophy, philanthropy.

49. Poly (= many): Polytechnic, polyester, polyclinic, polygamy,

Use of Prefix and Suffix


A Suffix is a syllable or syllables placed at the end of a word to qualify its meaning and forms a new word. It adds something to the meaning. In the English language, many new words are made by placing suffixes at the end of the verb, adverb adjective etc. A list of some common suffixes are given below:

Use of Prefix and Suffix

Noun Suffixes

(a) The following suffixes are used to form Abstract Nouns:

  1. al: removal, denial, renewal, betrayal, burial.
  2. meant: astonishment, argument, punishment, judgement, bewilderment, improvement.

3. mony: harmony, matrimony, ceremony.

4. ism: communism, socialism, patriotism, Hinduism, Jainism.

5.  ice: practice, service, avarice.

6.  age: breakage, mileage, baggage, bondage, shortage.

7.  ance: distance, allowance, abundance, observance, abundance.

8.  ence: innocence, difference, reference, preference.

9.  cy: efficiency.

10.  dom: freedom, kingdom, earldom, thraldom, wisdom, random.

Use of Prefix and Suffix

11.  hood: motherhood, boyhood, priesthood, manhood,  childhood,

12.  ion: expression, attention, radiation, fashion, ration, nation.

13.  y: study, envy, misery, remedy, finery, robbery.

14.  our: honour, humour, behaviour.

15.  ure: nature, culture, vulture, pleasure, closure, measure, feature, stature.

16.  ness: greatness, darkness, vastness, boldness, calmness.

17. ight: flight, height, might, right, Knight, fight.

18.  ty: dignity, reality, cruelty, priority, novelty.

19.  tude: gratitude, attitude, longitude, fortitude, magnitude.

20.  th: birth, health, wealth, death, breath, width. length.

21.  red: hatred, kindred.

22. ship: friendship, hardship, fellowship, relationship, workmanship, showmanship, dictatorship, readership.

(b) The following suffixes are used to form Concrete Nouns:

1. en: warden, citizen.

2. ate: curate, magnate, advocate.

3. ard: coward, drunkard, dullard.

4. ee: payee,  absentee, examinee, refugee, employee, trustee.

5. y: jury, attorney.

6. monger: fish-monger, war-monger, rumour-monger.

7. ster: youngster, spinster, songster.

8. ist: artist, botanist, scientist, violinist, dentist, novelist.

9. ian: musician, politician, historian, Olympian,

10. an: pagan, Roman, librarian

Use of Prefix and Suffix

11. ain: villain, chieftain, captain.

12. ess: tigress, lioness, heiress, authoress,

13. ary: secretary, dignitary, dowery, monetary.

14. eer: charioteer, profiteer, mountaineer, racketeer.

15. ar: liar, beggar.

Use of Prefix and Suffix

16. or: sailor, orator, visitor, senator, governor, doctor, motor.

17. er: speaker, writer, fighter, officer, leader, seer, caterer.

18.wright: wheel-wright, cart-wright, playwright.

(c) The following suffixes are used to form Diminutives:

1. kin: napkin, manikin, lambking

2. cle: chronicle, particle, circle, pericle.

3. el: satchel, kernel, damsel, parcel,

4. le: handle, paddle, granule, globule.

5.  y, ie: puppy, mummy, daddy. lassie, birdie.

6. let: pamphlet, booklet, rivulet, brooklet, leaflet.

7. ling: darling, duckling.

8. en: maiden, kitten, chicken.

9. et, ette: packet, cigarrette, coronet.

10.  ock: bullock, hillock, buttock, padlock.

(d) The various suffixes are used to form Nouns:

1. ry: dowery, vestry, pantry

2. Ic: artistic, systematic, physic, logic, lunatic.

3. ique: critique, physique. 

4. ade: blockade, crusade, barricade.

5. ful: palmful, houseful spoonful, mouthful.

6. al: capital, denial, arrival.

7. ant: giant, tenant, merchant, pregnant

8. ary: aviary, apiary, library, dispensary, treasury.

(Use of Prefix and Suffix)

Adjective Suffixes

(a) The following suffixes are used to form Adjectives:

1. al: loyal, legal, national, regal, mortal.

2. ar: circular, regular, solar, lunar.

3.ary: contrary, arbitrary.

4. ant: brilliant, repentant, radiant.

5.  ent: magnificent, dependent, obedient.

6. ine: divine, feline, feminine.

7.esque: grotesque, picturesque.

9.en: golden, woolen, earthen.

10. ible: audible, visible, possible, admissible, contemptible.

11. ish: foolish, stylish, childish, greenish, bookish,  greyish.

12. y: wealthy, greedy, grassy.

13.ward: wayward, homeward, forward, backward.

14. worthy: praiseworthy, trustworthy, blameworthy.

15.  some: handsome, tiresome, wholesome, fulsome.

16.  like: godlike, childlike, boxlike, fatherlike.

17.  ous: glorious, dangerous, copious, ruinous.

18. ory: migratory, introductory, illusory. 

19. less: lawless, meaningless, senseless, paintless, priceless, loveless, joyless, restless.

20. lent: turbulent, violent, prevalent,

21.  ive: active, progressive, massive, decisive.

22.  ique: antique, unique.

23.  ful: helpful, fruitful, playful, willful, faithful.

24. ly: friendly, beastly, keenly, hourly, kingly, lovely, earthly, truly, certainly.

Use of Prefix and Suffix

Verb  Suffixes

Many English Verbs are formed by adding the following suffixes to words, as:

1.fy: pacify, justify, purify, simplify, beautify, clarify, nullify, qualify.

2. en: broaden, strengthen, weaken, soften, lengthen, lighten.

4.ish: publish, furnish, finish.

5.  ite: expedite, excite, invite.

6.  ise (from an adjective): equalise, nationalise, generalise.

7.  ise (from a Noun): advise, familiarise, practise, apologise, monopolise, memorise.

(Use of Prefix and Suffix)

Adverb  Suffixes

Many English Adverbs are formed by adding the following suffixes to words: acutely, rapidly, keenly, beautifully.

2. ward: forward, backward, upward. downward.

4.ther: hither, thither, whither.

5.  st: amidst, amongst.

6.  ce: once, twice, thrice.  0 0 0

Use of Prefix and Suffix

N.B.  The article ‘Use of Prefix and Suffix’ originally belongs to the book ‘School English Grammar Part- II‘ by Menonim Menonimus. Use of Prefix and Suffix

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

Books on Linguistics by M. Menonimus:

  1. A Brief History of the English Language
  2. Essays on Linguistics
  3. My Imageries
  4. Felicitous Expression: Some Examples
  5. Learners’ English Dictionary

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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