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Meaning, Definition of Some Terms

Symbol Symbol Meaning & Definition

Symbol Meaning & Definition

Symbol Meaning & Definition Symbol Meaning & Definition A Symbol is an object- animate or inanimate- that stands for something else. In a general sense, everything is a symbol of what it means or signifies. For...
Syllogism Meaning & Definition

Syllogism Meaning & Definition

Syllogism Meaning & Definition Syllogism Meaning & Definition A ‘Syllogism’ refers to an argument developed in a strictly logical form and leading to a definite conclusion. In a Syllogism there are three stages which may be...
Pre-Raphaelite Movement

Pre-Raphaelite Movement

Pre-Raphaelite Movement Pre-Raphaelite Movement The term ‘Pre-Raphaelite Movement’ refers to a movement in art and literature especially in painting and poetry in England during the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). The movement arose as an idealistic...
Puritanism Puritanism Meaning & Definition

Puritanism Meaning & Definition

Puritanism Meaning & Definition Puritanism Meaning & Definition Literally, the term ‘Puritanism’ refers to the strict pursuit of the basic principles and tenets of the original Christian (Hebrew Creeds). In other words to say, Puritanism advocates...
Sentimental Novel

Sentimental Novel | Novel of Sensibility

Sentimental Novel |Novel of Sensibility Sentimental Novel It is a kind of novel that emphasizes on giving a word form of one’s statement, emotion, or passion. This type of novel was cultivated by Henry Mackenzie. His...
Domestic Novel

Domestic Novel

Domestic Novel Domestic Novel The domestic novel is a type of novel that portrays a family, especially a character of a family, in full. It does not enter into the entrails of a vast society but...
Humanitarian Novel

Humanitarian Novel

Humanitarian Novel Humanitarian Novel The humanitarian novel is a small branch of novels that shows human kindness, patience, rationales, and faith in God and the welfare thought of human society. The hero of the humanitarian novel...
Stream-of-Consciousness Novel

Stream-of-Consciousness Novel

Stream-of-Consciousness Novel Stream-of-Consciousness Novel The stream-of-consciousness novel is a type of novel that has neither a definite plot nor abundant characters but a hero or a heroine who voyages through his or her consciousness and...
Historical Novel Historical Novel Meaning & Origin

Historical Novel

Historical Novel Historical Novel The historical novel is that type of novel that narrates a story taken from the history of bygone days combining facts with fiction, and history with imagination. Generally, it fuses two contradictory...
Myth Myth Meaning Myth Definition

Myth | Meaning | Definition

Myth | Meaning | Definition Myth A Myth is a fictitious story of unknown authorship having its roots in the primitive beliefs of a race or nation that presents supernatural episodes as a means of interpreting...
Legend Legend Meaning Legend Definition

Legend | Meaning | Definition

Legend | Meaning | Definition Legend A Legend is a traditional story popularly believed as historical but not definitely true nor authenticated. 0 0 0. N. B. The article originally belongs to the book entitled 'Menonimus Dictionary...
Diction Diction Meaning Diction Definition

Diction | Meaning | Definition

Diction | Meaning | Definition Diction (Noun) : Diction refers to the choice or selection of words or phrases in speaking or writing. 0 0 0.   N. B. The article originally belongs to the book entitled 'Menonimus Dictionary...
Artistic Unity Artistic Unity Meaning & Definition

Artistic Unity | Meaning & Definition

Artistic Unity | Meaning & Definition Artistic Unity The term ‘Artistic Unity’ in literature means that no part or feature of any literary creation should be changed or omitted without an injury to the whole work....
Allegory Allegory Meaning Definition Examples

Allegory Meaning Definition Examples

Allegory Meaning Definition Examples Allegory An Allegory is a narrative either in prose or verse which carries a second deeper meaning or significance besides its literal or surface meaning. In other words, to say, an Allegory...
Dialogue Dialogue Meaning Dialogue Definition

Dialogue | Meaning | Definition

Dialogue | Meaning | Definition Dialogue (Noun) Dialogue refers to the conversation between two or more people. The use of dialogue imparts dramatic quality to a story. Dialogue should be used sparingly and carefully with the intention that...
Situational Irony

Situational Irony | Meaning, Definition

Situational Irony | Meaning, Definition Situational Irony (Noun) Situational Irony occurs when the actual result of a situation or action seems totally different or opposite from what is expected. Situational irony tends to be either funny or...
Irony Irony Meaning Irony Definition

Irony | Meaning | Definition

Irony | Meaning | Definition Irony (Noun) The irony is a literary device in which a view, event, action or situation is expressed or presented in such a way that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects....
Dramatic Irony Dramatic Irony Meaning Definition

Dramatic Irony | Meaning | Definition

Dramatic Irony | Meaning | Definition Dramatic Irony (Noun) Dramatic Irony is a situation created in a dramatic work to show that the audience knows a piece of information but the character of the story does not...

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