Periphrasis | Circumlocution Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration
Periphrasis | Circumlocution Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration
Periphrasis Circumlocution-Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration
Periphrasis | Circumlocution Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration
Periphrasis or circumlocution is a figure of speech that consists in expressing a thing in...
Euphemism | Meaning | Definition
Euphemism | Meaning | Definition
: speaking something offensive or unpleasant in a pleasant manner. 0 0 0.
N. B. The article originally belongs to the book entitled 'Menonimus' Dictionary of Definition'.
Books on Literary Criticism...
Slang | Meaning | Definition
Slang | Meaning | Definition
: the vulgar use of language in a new sense always with a particular meaning. 0 0 0.
N. B. The article originally belongs to the book entitled 'Menonimus Dictionary of...
Stream-of-Consciousness Novel
Stream-of-Consciousness Novel
Stream-of-Consciousness Novel
The stream-of-consciousness novel is a type of novel that has neither a definite plot nor abundant characters but a hero or a heroine who voyages through his or her consciousness and...
Culture | Culture Meaning | Culture Definition
"Uncover the essence of culture in our in-depth exploration. From its definition and synonyms to its antonyms and broader implications, discover how culture shapes societies and influences human interactions across the globe."
Culture | Culture...
Parable | Parable Meaning, Definition, Illustration
Parable | Parable Meaning, Definition, Illustration
Parable | Parable Meaning, Definition, Illustration
Parable | Parable Meaning, Definition, Illustration
A parable is a simple story used to illustrate a moral, spiritual, or religious truth. It is in a...
Hendiadys | Hendiadys Meaning, Definition, Examples, Illustration
Hendiadys | Hendiadys Meaning, Definition, Examples, Illustration
Hendiadys | Hendiadys Meaning, Definition, Examples, Illustration
Hendiadys | Hendiadys Meaning, Definition, Examples, Illustration
Hendiadys is a Greek word meaning ‘one thing by two’. In this figure of speech, two...
Johnsonese | Meaning | Definition
Johnsonese | Meaning | Definition
: a pedantic, learned, and figurative style of writing. 0 0 0.
N. B. The article originally belongs to the book entitled 'Menonimus Dictionary of Definition'.
Books on Literary Criticism by...
Vehicle | Meaning | Definition
Vehicle | Meaning | Definition
: a thing used to carry people or goods from one place to another, such as bicycle, motor car, train, lorry, bullock cart, rikshaw, ship, aerolane etc. 0 0 0.
Reminiscence | Reminiscence Meaning, Example, Explanation
Reminiscence | Reminiscence Meaning, Example, Explanation
Reminiscence Meaning:
(Noun) Reminiscence refers to the act of recalling past experiences, events, or memories, often with a sense of nostalgia or reflection. It involves bringing back to mind moments...
Dog: Meaning, Synonyms, Antonyms, Facts
Explore the meaning, forms, synonyms, antonyms, and cultural significance of the word 'dog' in this comprehensive 1000-word essay. Learn about the deep bond between humans and their loyal companions, along with its various linguistic...
Anti-climax | Anti-Climax Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration
Anti-climax | Anti-Climax Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration
Anti-climax, Anti-Climax Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration
Anti-climax | Anti-Climax Meaning, Definition, Examples & Illustration
Anti-climax or Bathos is a figure of speech that is just opposite to climax....
Book | Meaning | Definition
: a written or printed work in any language giving information on anything consisting of pages sewn or glued together along one side and bound in a cover. 0 0 0.
N. B. The article...
Road Safety | Meaning | Definition
Road Safety | Meaning | Definition
Road Safety
Road Safety: the methods used to prevent road accidents and to protect road users such as pedestrians, cyclists, bikers and other vehicle passengers and drivers from being injured...
Situational Irony | Meaning, Definition
Situational Irony | Meaning, Definition
Situational Irony
Situational Irony occurs when the actual result of a situation or action seems totally different or opposite from what is expected. Situational irony tends to be either funny or...
Awareness | Awareness Meaning Example Explanation
Awareness | Awareness Meaning Example Explanation
Awareness: Meaning
Awareness refers to a state of consciousness or recognition of something, often characterized by understanding, perception, or knowledge of a particular issue, concept, or reality. It involves being...
Litotes | Litotes-Meaning, Definition, Examples, Illustration
Litotes | Litotes-Meaning, Definition, Examples, Illustration
Litotes | Litotes-Meaning, Definition, Examples, Illustration
Litotes is a deliberate understatement. This figure of speech consists of the use of negative words or phrases to express a positive statement. Examples:
Gentleman | Meaning | Definition
Gentleman | Meaning | Definition
: a person possessing some humane qualities as honesty, humbleness, kindness, generosity, sobriety, courage, self-respect, self-reliance, morality, impartiality etc. 0 0 0.
N. B. The article originally belongs to the book...