Group Verbs


Group Verbs

Group Verbs

Group Verbs

Group Verbs

A Group Verb is a verb which combining with a preposition or an adverb expresses a new meaning. Group verbs are also called Phrasal Verbs as they express a sense like a phrase, though not a complete sense. There are many group verbs that have enriched the vocabulary of the English language. Here a list of the most commonly used Group Verbs has been given with illustration.

Group Verbs (Group Verbs)


Act for (act on behalf of): The Prime Minister acts for us all.

Act under (to act under force or pressure): The members of the club act under the President.

Act on (to influence; to affect): Heat acts on water and makes it vapour.

Act upon (to act according to): I acted upon the instruction of my teachers.

Act up to (to fulfil): Ram acts up to his promise.

Group Verbs


Bear down: (to crush down by force): The Ahoms could bear down the invasion of the Mughals.

Bear off or away (to win):  Ramen bore off (away) the second prize in the sports.

Bear out  (to support):  The evidence bears out the opposition of  Pakistan.

Bear up: (to endure): The people can hardly bear up such an insulting comment made by the Chief Minister.

Bear on (to apply to): A wise man can bear on the trouble he faces in everyday life.

Group Verbs


Beat against (to strive): The wind beats against my face.

Beat off (to drive back by force): The Americans beat of the English.

Beat down: (to subdue): Please try to beat down the enemy of your motherland.

Group Verbs


Blow away: (to fly away): The wind blows away the cotton.

Blow out (to extinguish by a puff of breath or wind): The hurricane blew over my cottage.

Blow over (to pass away without causing any harm): The storm blew over my cottage.

Blow up (to explode): It is not easy to blow up a mountain with a gun only.

Blow down: (to be thrown down by the force of wind): The tree was blown down by the storm wind.

Group Verbs (Group Verbs)


Break down (to collapse): His health broke down because of overwork.

Break away (to free one-self by force): The cow breaks away from her rope.

Break forth/out (to come out suddenly: Smallpox has broken forth (out) in the city.

Break off: (to separate by force): Please, don’t try to break off our holy relationship.

Break up (to end suddenly): The school broke up at 3 P.M.

Break with (to end friendly relations): It is a disgrace to a wise man if he breaks with his friends.

Group Verbs 


Bring about (to cause to happen): Ram is going to bring about a change of his bad habit.

Bring down: (to cause to come down): The price of wheat has broken down for some days.

Bring forth (to give birth to): To bring forth a child is a glory to a mother. 

Bring in (produce income): My younger brother brings in a large profit.

Bring on (cause to happen): Overwork brings on weakness.

Bring over (to win over): It is not easy to bring over the terrorists.

Bring round (to recover): I am trying to bring him round soon.

Bring under (to subdue; to conquer): The Muslims tried hard to bring down the English.

Bring out (to bring to light): Raman brought out the secret.

Bring up (to nurse): A mother brings up her child with care.

Group Verbs (Group Verbs)


Burst into (to cry): Ram suddenly bursts into tears.

Burst out (to call out suddenly): Why do you burst out at night?

Group Verbs 


Call at (to see): Please try to call at me. 

Call for (to demand): I have nothing to call for you.

Call in (to send for): Ramen went to call in a doctor.

Call upon (to pay a brief visit): Please, do not mind, I cannot call upon (on) you at your office.

Call off (to call away): I call the boy off.

Call out (to speak out one after another): The teacher is calling out the names of the students.

Call over (to speak out one after another): He is calling over the names of leaders.

Call names of (to abuse): I cannot call the names of others without serious cause.

Group Verbs


Carry about (to keep something with oneself): Ramen always carries about a note-book.

Carry away (to remove): Carry away the rotten mangoes.

Carry off (to kill): Cholera has carried off the lives of many people this year.

Carry on (to continue with something): The conversation is carrying on in full swing.

Carry out (to act upon): You should carry out the suggestion of your teacher.

Carry through (to bring out successfully): Money can carry everything through all difficulties.

Carry up (to call to mind): I cannot carry up your name.

Group Verbs (Group Verbs)


Cast about for (to be in search of): I am going to cast about for a good day.

Cast aside (to reject): His application was cast aside.

Cast down (gloomy): He looks cast down to-day.

Cast off (to discard): Please cast off your bad habits.

Cast up (to calculate): Cast up your cash-money.

Cast out (to turn out): We should not cast out a beggar.

Group Verbs


Come about (to happen): How did it come about?

Come across (to meet by change): While going to school I came across my best friend.

Come by (to get; to acquire): He comes by huge money. 

Come down (to reduce in price): The price of books can never be come down.

Come in for (to receive): He comes in for good wealth from his uncle.

Come off (to take place): The marriage of my sister may come off next month.

Come out (to become public ): This book may come out in January.

Come over (to come to one’s mind): The names of Ram and Krishna come over my mind every day.

Come round (to recover from illness): Ram has come round from fever.

Come to (amount to): His annual income comes to Rupees 10 lakh.

Come up with (to overtake): I can come up with my younger sister in the village.

Group Verbs


Cut down (to hew): The peepul tree will be cut down.

Cut off (to separate by cutting; to die): (i) Ram cuts off the twig from the tree. (2) He was cut off in his old age.

Cut out (to give a particular shape by cutting): The sculpture will cut out a statue from this piece of the hill.

To be cut out for (to be suited for a particular position): They are not cut out for the post of a professor.

Group Verbs (Group Verbs)


Cry for(to beg ): He was crying for a book.

Cry up (to praise highly): An honourable man never cries up his good deeds.

Cry down (to depreciate): Only a man can not cry down the price of gold.

Cry out against (to complain loudly against someone): Nobody should cry out against an honest man.

Group Verbs


Do away with (to remove): Lord William Bentings did away with the ‘sattee-da-pratha’.

Do for (serve the purpose of ): (i) This pen will do for writing. (ii) I am done for.

Do in (to approach): Our marriage ceremony is to do in.

Do up (to put in order): It is God who does up everything of nature.

Do into (to translate): Do this passage into English.

Do up (to be tired): Sarkar was done with hard work.

Do with (to make use of): What did the man do with this broken chair.

Group Verbs


Draw away (to distract): Nothing can draw away my mind from writing.

Draw in (to approach): My good days are drawing in.

Draw out (to attract): The teacher should try to draw out the attention of his students  before he begins his lecture.

Group Verbs (Group Verbs)


Deal in (to trade in): Ram deals in vegetables.

Deal with (to have a relation with): I will not deal with him.

Deal out (to distribute): Please deal out the mangoes among the children.

Group Verbs


Fall away (to become weak): The patient has fallen away in a fortnight.

Fall back (to go back): The army has fallen back.

Fall down (to fall from high to low): The mango has fallen down.

Fall in (to get in order): The word should fall in this paragraph.

Fall from (to withdraw from): Ram has fallen from his idealism.

Fall in with (to agree with): I cannot fall in with your opinion in this respect.

Fall off (to drop down): The apple has fallen off.

Fall out with (to quarrel): Nobody should fall out with his parents.

Fall through (to fail): His desire for a higher job fell through for want of bribery.

Group Verbs


Fly at (to attack someone suddenly): Chilaray could fly at his enemy with victory.

Fly away: The bird has flown away.

Fly into (to be excited suddenly): Ram flew into a rage at once.

Group Verbs


Get about (to move): He can easily get about nowadays.

Get ahead (to go forward): He is getting ahead in his business.

Get at (to reach): Nobody can get at our secrets.

Get along (to be progressing): I am getting along with my writing.

Get away (to be free): It is not easy to get away from the net of love.

Get back (to receive back): He can get back his lost book.

Get between (to arrive between): I got between the quarreling students and parted them.

Get beyond (to get outside a limit): He got beyond his mental ability.

Get down (to come down): I cannot get down from a running bus.

Get forward (to prosper): She is getting forward in her studies. 

Get in (to enter): Ram has got in debt. 

Get into (to enter into something): Ramesh has got into the business.

Get off (to come down): Don’t try to get off a running train.

Get on with (to have good terms with some person): I am getting on with my life-long partner.

Get over (to overcome): He has gotten over his difficulties.

Get out (to get free): Take care of the boy so that he cannot get out.

Get through (to finish some work): I have got through all my regular examinations.

Get up (to awake up): He has got up in the morning.

Group Verbs(Group Verbs)


Give away (to distribute): The chief minister had given away all the prizes.

Give back (to return): Please give his bag back.

Give in (to admit defeat): The Mughals gave in in front of the Ahoms.

Give out (to declare): Our principal will give out our result today.

Give up (to shun totally): He has given up all his demands.

Give way (to break): Ram struck at the door and it gave way.

Give over (to hand over): I cannot give over the rights of my writings.

Group Verbs 


Go about (to move from place to place): The beggar is going about from shop to shop.

Go against (to go against somebody): I cannot go against my parents.

Go abroad (to go to a foreign country): I like to go abroad once a year.

Go after (to follow): The students should go after their teachers.

Go ahead (to move forward): He is going ahead in his business.

Go along with (to accompany): Silesh went along with his parents.

Go away (to depart): He went away the town yesterday.

Go back (to return): He must go back to the market.

Go between (to go in the midst of two): Ramen had gone between the principal and the students.

Go by (to pass near): The bus goes by Nalbari.

Go down (to come down from a high place): Ramen Das has gone down from the post of a principal to a clerk.

Go on (to continue): Her examination is going on.

Go without (to remain without something): I can never go without a pen.

Group Verbs


Grow from (to come out): A plant grows from a seed.

Grow up (to rise gradually): The moon is growing up.

Group Verbs(Group Verbs)


Hand in (to give from hand to hand): He handed in the letter to Hari.

Hand over (to transfer something to any other): I can hand over the right of my novel to the New Publishing Company.

Group Verbs


Hang about (to move about near a place): I don’t like to hang about the park.

Hang on (to continue clinging to someone or something): He hangs on me.

Hang up: Let him hang up his towel on the rock.

Group Verbs(Group Verbs)


Hold back (to keep back): Never try to hold back a student from his studies.

Hold to (attach to): The rock is holding to the brick.

Hold in (to control): Try to hold in oneself.

Hold off (to keep at a distance): Please hold off the broken glass.

Hold over (to postpone): The parliament holds over the discussion.

Hold with (to agree with): I hold with your view that we can change ourselves.

Group Verbs


Keep back (to conceal): Never try to keep back the truth.

Keep away (to keep at a distance): Everybody should keep away from bad company.

Keep at (to continue): The machine is keeping at the production of cotton thread.

Keep down (to hold under control): Keep him down.

Keep from (to abstain or refrain from): It is not easy for a drunkard to keep from wine.

Keep off (to keep at a distance): Keep him off from these difficulties.

Keep to (not to deviate from): Always keep to the left side.

Keep up (to maintain): Keep up your good hobby.

Group Verbs (Group Verbs)


Lay aside (to discontinue): I cannot lay aside my studies.

Lay by (to store for future use): We should lay by something for the rainy-days.

Lay in (to store): The ant lays in for the winter, but the spider does not.

Lay down (to put down): Who is there to lay down the enemies of democracy?

Group Verbs


Lead aside (to keep aside): Please lead aside the hot cream.

Lead into (to bring into): They are good friends who lead one into mental understanding.

Lead on to (to continue leading): Gambling often leads on to misfortune.

Group Verbs


Let alone (to keep alone): Please let me alone, I want not to enter into your affairs.

Let in (to allow to enter): Ram demanded to let in.

Let off (to release): Please let off the innocent prisoner from Jail.

Let aside (to keep aside): Who is there to let aside the prime minister?

Group Verbs


Look about (to look on all sides): I was looking about for a piece of stone.

Look after (to take care): We should look after the patient.

Look for (to search for): Ram is looking for a good hotel.

Look forward to (to wait with pleasure): I am looking forward to meet my life-long partner.

Look up (to search out): I tried hard to look up my lost book.

Group Verbs (Group Verbs)


Make after (to run after): The Rajputs made after the Mughals.

Make away with (to destroy): Nobody should make away with the objects of Nature.

Make for (to move forward): The train makes for the station.

Make out (to understand): I could not make out the theories of Einstein when I was a student of Class X.

Make over (to transfer): Kumar made over the rights of his hotel to his youngest son.

Make up (to fill up): Make up the gaps.

Make off with (to run away with): Ram made off with my pencil yesterday.

Group Verbs


Pay for (to give the price): I will pay for all things I buy.

Pay off (pay what is due): Please pay off your former debt.

Group Verbs


Pass away (to die): Pandit Nehru has passed away.

Pass by (to go alongside): No poet can pass by a natural scenery without stopping some time there.

Pass on (to go forward): Let me pass on to another book.

Pass for (to be regarded): Ram passes for a learned teacher.

Pass through (to go through the other side): Petrol passes through the pipe.

Pass off (to come to an end): The ceremony is going to be passed off.

Pass over (be overlooked): His application was passed over.

Group Verbs


Put by (to store): A wise man always puts by something.

Put down (to subdue): The Company put down the Sepoy Mutiny very vehemently.

Put off (to postpone): Put off your bombastic lecture.

Put on (to wear dress): Please put on your white shirt.

Put out (to extinguish): Please put out the candle. 

Put up (to live with): I put up with my parents.

Put up with (to endure): I cannot put up with your arrogance.

Group Verbs


Run after (to follow): We should not run after physical beauty.

Run at (to attack): The tiger suddenly ran at him.

Run away (to flee): No student should run away from school.

Run away with (to make off with something or someone): I don’t like to run away with anything.

Run down (to be tired): Ram ran down because of hard labour.

Run into (to involve into): I will not run into the quarrel.

Run on (to continue): I am running on my business.

Run out (to come to an end): The water of this well has run out.

Run over (to drive over): The bundle of paper was run over by a truck.

Run up (to increase): Nowadays our expenditure is running up.

Run through (to go through something): I am running through difficulties.

Run for (to go on behalf of someone): I cannot run for you.

Group Verbs(Group Verbs)


Set about (to begin): We set about for Delhi at 9. AM.

Set aside (to reject): Please don’t set aside this petition.

Set down (to record): The clerk set down my name as a young essayist.

Set forth (to proclaim): Ramesh set forth that he was the only good boy in his class.

Set in (to begin): The train has set in its movement.

Set off (to start): I have to set off my journey.

Set on (to incite): Don’t set on a barking dog.

Set out (to start for a journey): We will set out at 4 A. M. for Delhi.

Set up (to establish): I have set up a library.

Group Verbs 


Stand against (to resist): I can stand against the enemy of my motherland.

Stand by (to help): A true friend always stands by his friends in times of need.

Stand aloof (to keep at a distance): I do not like Kanak because he always stands aloof when I fall in difficulty.

Stand on (to insist on): He stands on his view.

Stand out against (to oppose): Everybody stands out against Lavita because she is wayward and immoral.

Stand up for (to fight for): I will stand up for the welfare of my motherland.

Group Verbs


See off (to bid farewell): I went there to see off my friend.

See for (to wait): He sees for his sister for half an hour.

Group Verbs (Group Verbs)


Strike at (to hit): The thief had struck at the door to break into the hall.

Strike for (to try to achieve): They had been striking for more salary.

Strike in (to enter suddenly): Ram had struck in and began to play on the guitar.

Strike in with (to agree with): Only a few can strike in this point with you.

Strike off (to erase): The piece of wood was struck off.

Strike up (to begin to sing or play): Ram struck in the room and began to strike up the harmonium.

Group Verbs 


Take after (to resemble): His son takes after him.

Take away (to remove): Please take away the dirty things.

Take down (to write down): Take down what the teacher says.

Take for (to mistake someone for another): I took Ram for Ramen.

Take in (to understand): The students did not take in the sentence.

Take over (to assume responsibility): The new principal took over the charge in January, 2017.

Take off (to remove): Take off your usual dress.

Take up (to occupy): Ram took up the house from his uncle.

Group Verbs


Talk about (to talk about something): We talked about the problems of a democracy.

Talk away (to continue talking): Ram talked away for an hour.

Talk over (to discuss some matter):  For the whole night we talked over our problems.

Talk to (to rebuke gently): I will talk to him today.

Group Verbs(Group Verbs)


Tell against (to harm, to destroy): His evidence will tell against the jury.

Tell upon (to lose, to harm): Overwork may tell upon everybody’s health.

Group Verbs


Throw about (to fling here and there): In anger, he threw about his books.

Throw away (to lose something for negligence): He threw away the opportunity of taking up the job.

Throw back (to reply back): Ram threw a letter back to me.

Through off (to cut off, to give up): We should through off smoking.

Throw out (to reject): Please do not throw out my application.

Group Verbs (Group Verbs)


Turn against (to become hostile): Ram suddenly turned against me.

Turn aside (to change): I cannot turn aside my decision.

Turn away (to dismiss) : Ram was turned away from his job.

Turn back (to return): Please turn back my book erelong.

Turn out (to expel): Don’t turn out him from the playground.

Group Verbs


Work against (to work in opposition to): You can work against me, but I will never mind.

Work away (to continue working): He was working away though he was ill.

Work at (to be busy with): I am working at a novel.

Work upon (to influence): The writings of a humanist-writer will work upon everybody’s mind.

Work out (to perform): The students could not work out the sum.

Work up (to excite): The boy worked up the newcomer

Group Verbs. (Group Verbs)


Wait upon (to nurse, to look after): We should wait upon our parents in their old age.

Wait at (attend as a servant): He waited at the dinner time.

Wait on (to result from): Wealth waits on hard labour. 0 0 0

Group Verbs

N.B.  The article ‘Group Verbs’ originally belongs to the book ‘School English Grammar Part- I‘ by Menonim Menonimus. Group Verbs

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

Books on Linguistics by M. Menonimus:

  1. A Brief History of the English Language
  2. Essays on Linguistics
  3. My Imageries
  4. Felicitous Expression: Some Examples
  5. Learners’ English Dictionary

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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