Greek Proverbs


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Greek Proverbs

Greek Proverbs

Greek Proverbs

  1. Know thyself!
  2. Madness doesn’t go to mountains, it goes to people.
  3. Pay attention to your enemies, for they are the first to spot your faults.
  4. Well begun is half done.
  5. The camel cannot see its hump.
  6. Wine and children tell the truth.
  7. As you make your bed, so will you sleep.
  8. Well-being is achieved little by little, and yet it is no small thing.
  9. Where there are seeds of anger, there one has to repent.
  10. Knock on the deaf man’s door as much as you like.
  11. The apple will fall under the apple tree.
  12. Everything that is good to know is difficult to learn.
  13. If you do everything in your life as if it were your last, you will get rest from vain fantasies.
  14. A drowning man grabs hold of his own hair.
  15. Small opportunities are often the beginning of larger enterprises.
  16. A speaker without judgment is a horse without a bridle.
  17. Lucky is the one who sows pebbles and reaps potatoes.
  18. Wisdom arises only in awareness.
  19. The art of being a slave is to rule over your master.
  20. In the matter of self-preservation, a person needs either good friends or arch-enemies, for the former instruct him and the latter reprimand him.
  21. One who cannot bear misfortune is truly unfortunate.
  22. The miser and the liar make quick deals.
  23. The wisest men do not follow the ways of others.
  24. The unexamined life is not worth living.
  25. Dance well or leave the ballroom.
  26. I send you myrrh, not because you are fragrant with it, but because it is fragrant with you.
  27. He who does not laugh in the morning does not laugh in the afternoon.
  28. Wise people speak because they have something to say; Stupid because they have something to say.
  29. Be careful that you leave your sons well-educated rather than rich, for the hope of the educated is better than the wealth of the ignorant.
  30. Those who aim at great things also have to suffer a lot.
  31. In our rush to please others, we lose our grip on our life’s purpose.
  32. Written laws are like a spider’s web; they will take hold of the weak and poor, it is true but will be torn to pieces by the rich and powerful.
  33. The one who becomes a sheep is eaten by the wolf.
  34. Famous men have the whole earth as their monument.
  35. Protect your right to think, because even thinking wrong is better than not thinking.
  36. Wild calves make the best horses.
  37. An open enemy is better than a false friend.
  38. Man is the measure of all things.
  39. Life is short, art is long. 0 0 0.

Greek Proverbs

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

Books Edited by M. Menonimus:

  1. The Last Words Uttered by Famous Persons Just Before Their Death
  2. Motivational Quotes An Anthology
  3. An Anthology of Proverbs

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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