Formation of Parts of Speech | Word Formation


Formation of Parts of Speech | Word Formation


Formation of Parts of Speech Word Formation

(Formation of Parts of Speech Word Formation)

Formation of Parts of Speech | Word Formation

When a word is formed from another word by adding something either before or after,  subtracting something (letter) or changing letter (especially vowel) is called Word Formation. For example, we can form:

(Formation of Parts of Speech Word Formation)

A. Verbs from Nouns and Adjectives

Act (n) _____ enact (v)

Glass (n) _____ glaze (v)

Strong (adj) _____ Strengthen (v)

Perpetual (adj) _____ perpetuate (v)

B.Nouns from verbs and  Adjectives, as

Add (v) _____ addition (n)

Choose (v) _____ choice (n)

Brutal (adj) _____ brutality (n).

C.   Adjectives from Nouns, and verbs:

Attend (v) _____ attentive (adj)

Autumn (n) _____ autumnal (adj)

China (n) _____ chinese (adj)

Eat (v) _____ eatable, eadible (adj) etc.

Thus we can make a part of speech (Noun, Verb, Adjective etc.) from other parts of speech. So many words are formed in this way in English and they have enriched the English Vocabulary so much. A list (at random) of words formed thus is given below.

(Formation of Parts of Speech Word Formation)


In the English language Verbs may be formed or derived from Nouns and Adjectives by adding -by, -en, -be, -em either before or after the Nouns and Adjectives. A list of Verbs formed ——- thus is given below.

Formation of Parts of Speech | Word Formation

(a) Formation of Verbs from Nouns :

Nouns ——- Verbs

Act ——- enact

Advice ——- advise

Author ——- authorise

Apology ——- apologise

Bath ——- bathe

Belief ——- believe

Beauty ——- beautify

Bed ——- embed

Breath ——- breathe

Body ——- embody

Black ——- blacken

Bliss ——- bless

Cross ——- crucify

Character ——- characterise

Cage ——- ——- encage

Custom ——- accustom

Calm ———- becalm

Center ——- concentrate

Class ——- classify

Cloth ——- clothe

Circle ——- encircle

Company ——- accompany

Courage ——- encourage

Danger ——- endanger

Dew ——- bedew

Death ——- die

Err ——- error

Example ——- exemplify

Economy ——- economise

Electricity ——- electrify

Food ——- feed

Fool ——- befool

Force ——- enforce

Friend ——- befriend

Fraud ——- defraud

Fame ——- defame

Fright ——- frighten

Germ ——- germinate

Glass ——- glassify

Half ——- halve

Habit ——- habituate

Hand ——- handle

Head ——- behead

Heir ——- inherit

Horror ——- horrify

Heart ——- hearten

Haste ——- hasten

Isle ——- isolate

Joy ——- enjoy

Justice ——- justify

Knee ——- kneel

Length ——- lengthen

Life ——- live

Lot ——- allot

Formation of Parts of Speech

Light ——- lighten

Load ——- lade

Memory ——- memorise

Mind ——- remind

Monopoly ——- monopolise

Nation ——- nationalise

Number ——- enumerate

Night ——- benight

Name ——- nominate

Necessity ——- necessitate

Office ——- officiate

Origin ——- originate

Person ——- personify

Peace ——- pacify

Power ——- empower

Practice ——- practise

Prison ——- imprison

People ——- populate

Peril ——- imperil

Roll ——- enroll

Red ——- redden

Siege ——- besiege

Sign ——- signify

Slave ——- enslave

Sympathy ——- sympathise

Spark ——- sparkle

Strength ——- strengthen

System ——- systematise

Table ——- tabulate

Throne ——- enthrone/dethrone

Title ——- entitle

Tyranny ——- tyrannise

Thief ——- thieve

Trap ——- entrap

Vapour ——- evaporate

Vacancy ——- vacate

Vigour ——- envigorate

Vice ——- vitiate

White ——- whiten

Formation of Parts of Speech | Word Formation

(b)  Formation of Verbs from Adjectives:

Adjective ——- Verbs

Able ——- enable

Ample ——- amplify

Bitter ——- embitter

Bold ——- embolden

Broad ——- broaden

Certain ——- ascertain

Cheap ——- cheapen

Civil ——- civilise

Clear ——- clarify

Dark ——- darken

Dear ——- endear

Deep ——- deepen

Dense ——- condense

Different ——- differentiate

Equal ——- equalise

False ——- falsify

Familiar ——- familiarise

Fat ——- fatten

Fertile ——- fertilise

Fine ——- refine

Foul ——- defile

Firm ——- affirm, confirm

Public ——- publish

Pure ——- purify

Popular ——- popularise

Proper ——- appropriate

Rich ——- enrich

Red ——- redden


Special ——- specialise


Strong ——- strengthen

Sure ——- ensure

Stupid ——- stupify

Short ——- shorten

Thick ——- thicken

Very ——- verify

White ——- whiten

Wide ——- widen

(Formation of Parts of Speech Word Formation)


In English, many Nouns are formed or derived from Verbs and Adjective by adding  – ance, – ment, – ness, -sion, -ing, -age etc.

Note : When a syllable (or syllables) is placed at the end of a word to qualify its meaning and form a new word is called a Suffix. -ance, -ment, -ness, -sion, -ing, -age etc. are English suffixes. 

A list of Nouns formed by placing or adding these suffixes to Verbs or Adjectives is given below:

Formation of Parts of Speech | Word Formation

(a) Formation of Nouns from Verbs.

Verbs ——- Nouns

Add ——- addition

Attend ——- attendance

Advise ——- advice

Abide ——- abode

Abolish ——- abolition

Abound ——- abundance

Accede ——- access

Accomplish ——- accomplishment

Allude ——- allusion

Allow ——- allowance

Approve ——- approval

Act ——- action

Admit ——- admittance, admission

Ascend ——- ascent

Attain ——- attainment

Bear ——- birth

Bless ——- bliss

Break ——- breach

Betray ——- betrayal

Behave ——- behaviour

Bind ——- bond

Carry ——- carriage

Compel ——- compulsion

Conceal ——- concealment

Concede ——- concession

Conquer ——- conquest

Confide ——- confidence

Choose ——- choice

Comply ——- compliance

Deny ——- denial

Die ——- death

Do ——- deed

Formation of Parts of Speech

Drink ——- drought

Descend ——- descent

Defy ——- defiance

Deceive ——- deceit

Decide ——- decision

Defend ——- defence

Depart ——- departure

Destroy ——- destruction

Err ——- error

Enter ——- entry, entrance

Exist ——- existence

Exceed ——- excess

Expel ——- expulsion

Fail ——- failure

Fly ——- flight

Feel ——- feeling

Go ——- gait

Give ——- gift

Grieve ——- grief

Grow ——- growth

Hate ——- hatred

Heal ——- health

Judge ——- judgement

Know ——- knowledge

Laugh ——- laughter

Leak ——- leakage

Lose ——- loss

Learn ——- learning

Lend ——- loan

Live ——- life

Maintain ——- maintenance

Move ——- movement

Marry ——- marriage

May ——- might

Mock ——- mockery

Mix ——- mixture

Obey ——- obedience

Oblige ——- obligation

Occupy ——- occupation

Offend ——- offence

Omit ——- omission

Pass ——- passage

Please ——- pleasure

Punish ——- punishment

Provide ——- provision

Pretend ——- pretence

Paralyse ——- paralysis

Prepare ——- preparation

Proceed ——- procedure

Propose ——- proposal

Receive ——- receipt

Relieve ——- relief

Respond ——- response

Refuse ——- refusal

Reduce ——- reduction

Repeat ——- repetition

Remove ——- removal

Remember ——- remembrance

Resign ——- resignation

See ——- sight

Sing ——- song

Sell ——- sale

Seize ——- seizure

Sit ——- seat

Sign ——- signature

Slay ——- slaughter

Speak ——- speech

Steal ——- stealth

Succeed ——- success

Sow ——- seed

Solve ——- solution

Strive ——- strife

Satisfy ——- satisfaction

Tell ——- tale

Try ——- trial

Think ——- thought

Thrive ——- thrift

Unite ——- union, unity

Vary ——- variation, variance

Weave ——- web

Formation of Parts of Speech | Word Formation

(b)  Formation of Nouns from Adjectives.

Adjectives ——- Nouns

Able ——- ability

Absent ——- absence

Accurate ——- accuracy

Anxious ——- anxiety

Audacious ——- audacity

Bankrupt ——- bankruptcy

Brief ——- brevity

Broad ——- breadth

Brutal ——- brutality

Bitter ——- betterness

Certain ——- certainty

Chaste ——- chastity

Civil ——- civility

Cruel ——- cruelty

Curious ——- curiosity

Clean ——- cleanliness

Complete ——- completion

Deep ——- depth

Dense ——- density

Decent ——- decency

Different ——- difference

Dry – ——- —— dryness

Elegant ——- elegance

Equal ——- equality

False ——- falsehood

Fertile ——- fertility

Fond ——- fondness

Free ——- freedom

Firm ——- firmness

Fine ——- fineness

Ferocious ——- ferocity

Glad ——- gladness

Gay ——- gaiety

Grave ——- gravity

Generous ——- generosity

Hard ——- hardness

High ——- height

Humble ——- humility

Happy ——- happiness

Hostile ——- hostility

Hot ——- heat

Human ——- humanity, humanism

Just ——- justice

Local ——- locality

Large ——- largeness

Long ——- length

Low ——- lowness

Merry ——- merriment

Mortal ——- mortality

Moist ——- moisture

New ——- newness

Noble ——- nobility

Notorious ——- Notoriety

Pure ——- purity

Poor ——- poverty

Proper ——- propriety

Public ——- publicity

Pious ——- piety

Popular ——- popularity

Private ——- privacy

Real ——- reality

Red ——- redness

Rigid ——- rigidity

Rich ——- richness

Supreme ——- supremacy

Secret ——- secrecy

Simple ——- simplicity

Scarce ——- scarcity

Splendid ——- splendour

Sure ——- surity

Soft ——- softness

Special ——- speciality

Short ——- shortness

Safe ——- safety

Strong ——- strength

Vacant ——- vacancy

Vain ——- vanity

Vital ——- vitality

Various ——- variety

Weak ——- weakness

Wide ——- width

Weary ——- weariness

Wise ——- wisdom

Young ——- youth

(Formation of Parts of Speech Word Formation)


Adjectives may be derived or formed from Nouns by adding -at, -ful, -an, -ly, -able, -ish etc. and from Verbs by adding -tine -able etc.

Formation of Parts of Speech | Word Formation

(a)  Formation of Adjectives from Nouns.

Nouns ——- Adjectives

Angle ——- angular

Air ——- airy

Autumn ——- autumnal

Asia ——- Asiatic, Asian

Accident ——- accidental

Brother ——- brotherly

Book ——- bookish

Body ——- bodily

Blood ——- bloody

Benefit ——- beneficial

Brute ——- brutal

Burma ——- Burmese

Colony ——- colonial

Charity ——- charitable

Crime ——- criminal

College ——- collegiate

Coward ——- cowardly

Circle ——- circular

Conscience ——- conscientious

Courage ——- courageous

Child ——- childish

China ——- Chinese

Day ——- daily, diurnal

Dream ——- dreamy

Duty ——- dutiful

Danger ——- dangerous

Earth ——- earthly

East ——- eastern

Empire ——- emperial

Enemy ——- inimical

Essence ——- essential

Envy ——- envious

Example ——- exemplary

England ——- English

Face ——- facial

Fame ——- famous

Father ——- fatherly

Fault ——- faulty

Fool ——- foolish

Friend ——- friendly

Gas ——- gaseous

God ——- godly

Gold ——- golden

Greece ——- Greek

Hand ——- handy

Heart ——- hearty

Heaven ——- heavenly

Home ——- homely

Honour ——- honorary, honorary

Ignorance ——- ignorant

Irony ——- ironical

Italy ——- Italian

Joy ——- joyful

Joke ——- jocose

King ——- kingly,  royal 

Law ——- lawful

Luxury ——- luxurious

Line ——- lunar

Lord ——- lordly

Love ——- lovely,  loveable

Miracle ——- miraculous

Mouth ——- mouthly

Mother ——- motherly

Man ——- manly

Mystery ——- mysterious

Memory ——- memorable

Might ——- mighty

Machine ——- mechanical

Muscle ——- muscular

Milk ——- milky

Money ——- monetary

Merchant ——- merchantile

Neuter ——- neutral

Nature ——- natural

Orator ——- oratorial

Office ——- official, officious

Origin ——- original

Profit ——- profitable

Peace ——- peaceful

People ——- popular

Part ——- partial

Palace ——- palatial

Picture ——- picturesque

Pride ——- proud

Passion ——- passionate

Prose ——- prosaic

Practice ——- practical

Quarrel ——- quarrelsome

Ruin ——- ruinous

Right ——- righteous

Rome ——- Roman

Silver ——- silvery

Society ——- social

Spirit ——- spiritual

Snow ——- snowy

Spain ——-Spanish

Sun ——- sunny

Star ——- starry

Study ——- studious

Sweden ——- Swedish

Switzerland ——- Swiss

School ——- scholastic

Sympathy ——- sympathetic

Terror ——- terrible

Time ——- timely

Trouble ——- troublesome

Type ——- typical

Verb ——- verbal

Vice ——- vicious

Water ——- watery

Wool ——- woollen

Will ——- wilful

Woman ——- womanly

Wood ——- wooden

Yeary ——- early

Youth ——- youthful, young

Formation of Parts of Speech

(b)  Formation of Adjectives from Verbs

Verbs ——- Adjectives

Eat ——- eatable

Drink ——- drinkable

Die ——- dead

Confide ——- confident

Live ——- lively

Obey ——- obedient

Exceed ——- excessive

Please ——- pleasant

Vary ——- various

(Formation of Parts of Speech Word Formation)

In addition to the list of Adjectives formed from English Nouns and Verbs, there are some Latin Adjectives that are so commonly used in English that now they are thought to be no more Latin but English. Latin Adjectives are generally formed from Nouns. A list of such words formed is given below.

(Formation of Parts of Speech Word Formation)

Nouns ——- (Latin)  Adjectives

Body ——- corporal, corporeal

Boy ——- puerile

Blood ——- sanguine, sanguinary

City ——- civic

Country ——- rural

Cat ——- feline

Daughter/son ——- filial

Day ——- diurnal

Death ——- mortal

Dog ——- canine

Earth ——- terrestrial

Eagle ——- aquiline

End ——- final

Eye ——- ocular

Father ——- paternal

Flower ——- floral

Friend ——- amicable

Foot ——- pedal

God ——- divine

Hand ——- manual

Head ——- capital

Heaven ——- celestial

Home ——- domestic

Husband ——- conjugal

Hair ——- capillary

Horse ——- equestrian

King ——- royal, regal

Life ——- vital

Light ——- lucid

Male ——- masculine

Man ——- Human

Marriage ——- nuptial

Mind ——- mental

Mouth ——- oral

Moon ——- lunar

Money ——- pecuniary

Mother ——- maternal

Name ——- nominal

Night ——- nocturnal

Ox ——- bovine

Place ——- local

Point ——- punctual


Ray ——- radiant

Root ——- radical

Rule ——- regular

Sight ——- lateral

Sky ——- etherial

Sun ——- solar

Star ——- astral

Salt ——- saline

Sea ——- marine

Sheep ——- ovine

Shepherd ——- pastoral

South ——- austral

Spring ——- vernal

Ship ——- naval, nautical

School ——- academic

Sight ——- visual

Time ——- temporal

Tongue ——- lingual

Taste ——- palatable

Tooth ——- dental

Town ——- urban

Village ——- rural

Water ——- aquatic

West ——- occidental

Wife ——- conjugal

Woman ——- feminine

Will ——- voluntary

Wood ——- Sylvan

Word ——- Verbal


Youth ——- juvenile

Year ——- annual 0 0 0


(Formation of Parts of Speech Word Formation)

N.B.  The article ‘Formation of Parts of Speech | Word Formation’ originally belongs to the book ‘School English Grammar Part- II‘ by Menonim Menonimus.

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

Books on Linguistics by M. Menonimus:

  1. A Brief History of the English Language
  2. Essays on Linguistics
  3. My Imageries
  4. Felicitous Expression: Some Examples
  5. Learners’ English Dictionary

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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