Computer Quiz


Computer Quiz

Computer Quiz

Computer Quiz

Computer Quiz

Q. What is the most wonderful invention of science in the twentieth century?

A. Computer. 

Q. Who is said to be the father of modern computers?

A. Charles Babbage.

Q: What computer was originally invented to be used for?

A. To perform calculations quickly.

Q: What was the name of the first computing device discovered in the world?

A. Abacus.

Q: What is the mother of computer programming language?

A. A. A. B. Loveless 

Q: What are the tools used for computer processing?

A. Processing tools. 

Q: Can a computer do anything?

A. No.

Q: Name the two input devices of the computer.

A. Keyboard and mouse.

Q: What is a real computer device?

A. Central Processing Unit.

Q: What is the age of first generation computer?

A. From 1949 to 1955.

Q: Name the first generation computer.

A. Anyek.

Q: What is the age of second generation computer?

A. From 1956 to 1975.

Q: The second generation computer is called ——-.

A. IMB-1401.

Q: What is the age of third generation computer?

A. From 1976 to 1999.

Q: The third generation computer is called ——.

A. IMB-360.

Q: What is the age of fourth generation computer?

A. From 2000 to the present day.

Q: The fourth generation computer is called —-.

A. Pentium.

Q: What are the computer tools that can be touched by hand?

A. Hardware. Computer Quiz

Q: Can a computer think of anything on its own?

A. No.

Q: What are computer monitors, printers, etc.?

A. Output devices.

Q: What is the full form of PC?

A. Personal Computer.

Q. What is Palm Top?

A. Personal Computer.

Q: What is a laptop?

A. Personal Computer.

Q: What is WORM in the context of computer storage media?

A. Write Once Read Many.

Q: Which company created the BURN Proof technology? 

A. Sanyo.

Q: What does ATM mean in computer language?

A. AsunchronousTransfer Mode. 

Q: When was Napier’s Bonus Counting Machine invented?

A. 1617. 

Q. Who is the inventor of Leibnitz Calculator?

A. Gottfried Leibniz. 

Q: When was the Leibnitz Calculator invented?

A. 1671.  Computer Quiz

Q: What else is Leibnitz Calculator called? 

A. Stepped Calculator.

Q: What could Leibnitz Calculator do?

A. Filling and deprivation. 

Q: What does it mean to shake hands with two modems?

A means exchanging information. 

Q. What was done with Abacus?

A. Addition and subtraction. 

Q: What mathematical work could be done through Napier’s Burns?

A. Addition, subtraction, addition and subtraction. 

Q. Who invented the calculator called Pascaline?

A. Blaise Pascal.

Q: In what year was the calculator called Pascaline invented?

A. 1642. Computer Quiz

Q. What is another name for a calculator called Pascaline?

A. Pascal calculator.

Q: What could be done with a calculator called Pascaline?

A. Addition and subtraction could be done quickly. 

Q: What was the name of the first computing device that could be used for pre-programming?

A. Mark -I

Q: Who was the inventor of Mark-I computer?

A. Professor Howard Aiken.

Q: What is the name of the world’s first Electromechanical Computer?

A. Mark -I. Computer Quiz

Q: What was the name of the device used in folklore in America in 1890?

A. Hollerith’s Machine.

Q: Who was the planner of Difference Engine?

A. Charles Babbage. 

Q: Where is the information stored in the computer stored?

A. In memory. Computer Quiz

Q: Can any data be permanently stored in Laptop primary memory?

A. No.

Q: What is Command?

A. command is an instruction given by a computer which gives us the desired result. 

Q: Where does the Control Unit receive the information and send it?

A. To the memory.

Q: What is a Process Box?

A. L. C. U.

Q: In which part of primary memory can data be read only, not edited?

A. ROM. Computer Quiz

Q: In which part of the primary memory can information be written, and edited as required?


Q: What is Manufecturer Defined Memory called?


Q: What is a Fixed Instruction Program?

A. ROM. Computer Quiz

Q. What is the full form of HLL?

A. High Level Language.

Q. What is the full form of LLL?

A. Low Level Language.

Q: What is the full form of HDD?

A. Hard Disk Drive.

Q. What is the full form of LCD?

A. Liquid Crystal Display.

Q: What does CD mean?

A. Compact Disk.

Q. What is Syntax?

A. This is the correct grammatical form of writing instructions to a computer using computer language.

Q: What does GB mean?

A. Gigabite. Computer Quiz

Q. What is MB?

A. Megabite.

Q: What is KB?

A. Kilobyte.

Q. What is TB?

A. Terabyte.

Q: How many GB in 1 TB?

A. 1024 GB. Computer Quiz

Q: What is Prompt?

A. It is a sign or signal that indicates that the computer is ready to receive any information. 

Q: What is the full form of LOGO?

A. Language of Graphic Oriented.

Q. What is the name of the editor of the net book ‘Life Begins at 80’?

A. Eric Shackle. Computer Quiz

Q: What is the name of the world’s first multinational e-book?


Q: Who wrote the world’s first multinational e-book?

A. Eric Shackle.

Q: What is the name of the largest computer maker in Asia?

A. Lenovo.

Q: Who invented the video sharing service called YouTube? 

A. Google. Computer Quiz

Q. What does ALGOL mean?

A. Algorithmic Language.

Q: Who is called ‘God Father of the Net’?

A. Vinton Cerf. 

Q: Who is the President of Computer Society of India?

A. Dr. Rangaswamy Narsingh.

Q: How many tracks does a floppy disk have?

A. 192. Computer Quiz

Q. What are the two numbers of Machine Language?

A. 1, 0.

Q. What is the name of the service launched by Google for space research?

A: Google Sky. Computer Quiz

Q. Name some versions of Windows?

A. Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP.

Q. What is PROLOG?

A. PROLOG is a name that Japanese scientists have already chosen for the fifth generation computer.

Q: How many gigabytes are there in one petabyte? 

A. One million gigabytes.

Q: Who designed the first ‘General Purpose Digital Computer’ in India?

A. Dr. Rangaswamy Narasimhan.

Q: Who was the original founder of the web magazine Muse India?

A. GSP Rao.

Q: Which company invented the works in the air mouse?

A. Logitech. Computer Quiz

Q: Who is the inventor of Easy Writer software?

A. John Draper. 

Q: What does ‘device’ mean?

A ‘device’ is a tool that can do its own thing.

Q. Who developed the software called Wordstar?

A. Rob Barnaby and Shem’s Ruwenstein.

Q: Which company invented Video Disc?

A. Philips Co. Computer Quiz

Q. computer language called ‘Ada’ is prevalent in the United States. In whose honor was this name named?

A. In honor of Augusta Ada Byron Lovelace, the mother of computer programming language. 

Q: What is a computer’s ‘input device’?

A. The part of a computer through which information is stored in a computer is called ‘input device’.

Q: What is a computer’s ‘output device’?

A. The part of the computer through which we get the desired result is called the ‘output device’.

Q: Who was the world’s first computer programmer?

A. Augusta Byron Loveless.

Q: Which company invented ‘Computer Disc Player’?

A. Sony, Philips Co. 0 0 0

Computer Quiz

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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