Books-A Paragraph


Books-A Paragraph

Books-A Paragraph


Books-A Paragraph

A book is a written or printed work in any language giving information on anything consisting of pages sewn or glued together along one side and bound in covers. It is said that the tradition of writing books began in ancient Egypt. Then the books were written by hand on the bark or leaves of trees called papyrus. But with the invention of the printing press in Germany by Gutenberg in the fifteenth century, a new revolutionary turn came to the world of books and the production of books became cheap, easy and available. Again with the beginning of the twenty-one century, a new revolution began in the world of books and since then books have been taking a new shape called ‘Digital book’ or ‘Electronic book’. Digital books are available only on digital devices like computers, smartphones, iPhones etc. There is various kind of books on a variety of subjects. But all the books are classified broadly into two categories as Fiction and Non-fiction. Again on the basis of theme, subject matter, form and style books are classified into some branches as Poetry, Essay, Novel, Short Story, Drama etc. Over again, books are categorized subjectwise also as: Literature, Science, Mathematics, Geography, History etc.  A book has thousandfold benefits. Books are our best friends. A book can make us happy when we are alone or unhappy. It can change our minds and give meaning to our life. Books are a treasure of knowledge. Books can take us anywhere in the universe through words and pictures. We can learn about the world of matter and spirit in reality and through the imagination of the author. There are no alternatives to books. We should form the habit of reading books from our childhood. 0 0 0

Books-A Paragraph

Read More: Tips for Writing Paragraphs

Books-A Paragraph

N. B. The article ‘Books-A Paragraph’ originally belongs to the book ‘Paragraph Writingby Menonim Menonimus.

Books-A Paragraph

Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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