Amplification Writing

Amplification Writing Practice


Amplification Writing

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Amplification Writing




Menonim Menonimus




Internet Edition


Amplification Writing ‘by Menonim Menonimus, Published by



Internet Edition





D.T.P. by A. Shahriar


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 An Introduction

(Tips of  Amplification Writing)

Roughly to say ‘amplification‘ means thought expansion. In a literary practice, ‘Amplification’ refers to the elaboration of a statement in a logical order. To an amplification, more information is added in support of the statement undertaken to amplify. It clarifies the meaning of a statement. 

While doing the task of amplification we should bear in mind the following steps and tips.

First,  read the given statement (quotation, proverb, paradox, etc.) several times, slowly and carefully till you grasp the meaning and significance of the statement.

Secondly,  reading should be followed by thinking. The thought of the statement should be mentally developed. The relevant details, illustrations, examples, parallel saying etc. should be thought out and arranged systematically and logically.

Thirdly,  a draft of the thought expansion should be prepared where the meaning of the given statement should be explained in brief, and then arguments, illustrations, and examples should be put forward. In brief, to say, an amplification should have three parts: introduction, explanation, and conclusion itself.

Fourthly, everything superfluous should be eschewed carefully. There should not be even a single word or detail that does not have a direct connection with the topic.

Fifthly, there should have coherence and unity of thought. Sentences should follow each other in a logical order. Every sentence should come out naturally and spontaneously out of the previous one. In an amplification, every sentence must take the thought ahead.

Sixthly, the language should be simple and easy to comprehend. Ambiguous or bombastic words and phrases should be avoided.

Seventhly, the rough draft should be revised one or two times and mistakes of grammar and spelling should be carefully corrected.

Eighty, after the above-mentioned steps are over, a fair copy should be made.

There is no hard and fast rule as regards the length of an application. If some length is prescribed in writing an academic amplification then it must be strictly maintained. Otherwise, a hundred words or so would do. 

Some Specimens of Amplification writing are given below:


Service to Man is Service to God

‘Service to man is service to God’ is a familiar saying with a deep meaning. It is often quoted to emphasize the value and greatness of man above all other beings.

God is the creator of all the things of the universe. But amongst thousands and thousands of things created by God, man is said to be the greatest. Above all other things, both living and non-living, God loves mankind very much. He has given us all the things that are necessary to live a fine and happy life. Hence all humans have a duty to God. But God is not visible to us. We can not find Him in bones and skin. So we express our gratitude to God by means of prayer. People of all religions pray to God to please Him. But by means of prayer only, we can not be loved by God if we remain indifferent to His other creations, especially to other humans. We, as humans, also have some duty to our fellow beings. If we ignore them and become indifferent to them then our social life would be full of chaos and unhappiness. Then God also would be displeased with us because ignoring His creations is equal to ignoring God.  Hence prayer by itself may be called fundamentally passive. It is self-centered and has nothing to do with society. It has an individualistic view and has nothing to do with the world of social action. Praying to God leads us from the world of action to the world of meditation. In all religions, prayer has been prescribed as a remedy for the liberation of the soul and this emphasis has to lead us to a feeling of indifference towards society.

So we should be mindful to serve our fellow beings.  The great teachers and thinkers of humanity are always aware of this truth. Keeping this in mind, they have added a new and wider meaning to prayer that can also take us into the world of God. According to the prophets, all prayer is good and meaningful, but the best prayer for pleasing God is to serve mankind. A man who loves and serves humans can hardly be a bad man. Because if we love God, we cannot hate His creations. None can deny that service to humanity is the most chosen prayer for God. 

Thus the proverb warns us to socialize our prayers and not to personalize them. If prayer can be considered to be a service to God, then it can be said that serving God is to serve humanity. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Necessity is the Mother of  Invention

Necessity is the mother of invention.’ is an old proverb. It is often said to mean that all great things are made or invented when people feel the necessity of them to make their lives fine and happier.  A man works to overcome his desire. Whenever he needs something, he uses his brain to invent a remedy. 

Necessity gave rise to all early inventions. Primitive man lived in nature in a helpless state. He was led to invent things to fulfill his requirement. To defend himself against the attack of wild animals, he invented weapons. To save himself from rain and cold he set up houses, clothes, and fire. Step by step he invented all sorts of things for himself. Therefore, all initial inventions are due to the pressure of necessity.

The need moves man from invention to invention. When our needs increase, we invent more and more things. All the articles we use in our daily lives are the result of man’s effort to overcome his wants.

Like physical needs, man has some intellectual needs also.  His mind is ever anxious to know the unknown. He is always eager to make new discoveries and inventions, and this brings him joy and happiness. This divine dissatisfaction in man is the reason for the progress of civilization.

Man’s physical need led to the invention of many things and his intellectual need inspired him to invent many other things. Telescopes, microscopes, paper, printing presses, radios, aeroplanes, etc. are invented to meet his intellectual needs. The great things of the world are the products of divine dissatisfaction in the mind of man. Man cannot be satisfied with his present condition. He looks for new things. He will invent and discover new things to meet his needs.

Hence it is rightly said that to get a thing made or invented we must feel its necessity first. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever

A thing of beauty is a joy forever‘ – is a line quoted from the famous English romantic poet John Keats. It is often quoted to glory the power of beauty and its effects on the human heart and mind.

By nature, the human mind is very sensitive to beautiful things. It is rare to find a person who does not like a bloomed piece of flower. We see that children like to pluck up flowers only to enjoy their beauty. We love beauty, adore beauty, and take pleasure in beauty because of its appeal to our hearts and mind. Attraction to beautiful things is our instinct and under the pressure of our instinct, we decorate our rooms, make gardens, plant flowers, etc. A thing of beauty arouses joy in the heart. People travel to far-off lands in order to enjoy the beautiful things of the world.

Beauty appeals both to the eyes and mind. If it were the only quality of things to attract our eyes, then its appeal would not be so deep and lasting, it would be limited to our perception only. Beautiful things fall positives effects both on our minds and heart for which people welcome their loved ones with a bunch of flowers, and send beautiful greeting cards on some occasions. It was the beauty of Helen for which the city of Troy burnt into ashes.

So it is right to say that a thing of beauty is a source of joy forever. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing 

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine

A Stitch in time saves nine‘ – is a popular proverb. It is often quoted as a piece of advice that we should do all things in proper time.

When we stitch a hole immediately it stops getting bigger and bigger. If we do not pay attention to the hole and allow it to take its course, then the hole becomes wider and wider thus rendering the piece of cloth or dress useless. Nevertheless, if we desire to stitch the tent, it will take a lot of our time and energy. Thus, we should never ignore a hole though small it is. The hole should be stitched at the moment it is detected.

This proverb covers a large area of our everyday doings. It warns us to be regular and punctual in our work. If we do not work at the proper time and on an appropriate occasion we may have to spend too much of our valuable time. Sometimes we may not get the opportunity to do it again. It brings physical as well as monetary loss. If we create this bad habit then the heaps of undone work will frighten us.

The saying has great value for students. Nowadays most students are not attentive to their studies. Such students find themselves in a world of helplessness and confusion at the time of examination. So they quickly go through some selected lessons and appear on the examination. And these students do not hesitate to adopt unfair means in the examination hall. Thus, their performance deteriorates badly. If they could have prepared their lessons on time and regularly they would achieve success with flying colors.

Therefore we should do our work on time to achieve success along with saving both time and energy. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Handsome is that Handsome Does

Handsome is that handsome does‘ – is a popular proverb. This proverb means that physical beauty alone cannot make a man beautiful. 

Virtue makes a man beautiful. Physical beauty is not the real quality of a man. Virtue depends on good deeds. The test of goodness is not what one sees but what one does. A person who does good deeds is a truly beautiful man what might be his outward appearance.

Beauty is a good thing there is no doubt. We all like beautiful things. We look for beauty. Everyone likes handsome humans. But if a beautiful or handsome man does act ugly, we hate him. On the other hand, if an ugly person’s mind is noble and honest and he does a good job, we love him. A man should not be judged by his outward appearance but by his quality and character. A good person is one who does good things.

Man’s physical form is created by God and man has no hand in it. So a man cannot be given credit for looking beautiful. But if a man tries, then he can make his character good and work well. Again physical beauty does not last long but virtue is everlasting and pays off in the long run. The outward appearance is soon forgotten but great works shine forever.

We should not judge people or things outwardly. Things are not always what they look like. Many beautiful fruits have bitterness and many flowers have poisonous insects. Gold looks bright and is valuable because it is a very useful metal. Not every shiny-looking metal is as useful as gold and, therefore, is not valued like gold. 

The great men of the world did not become great by their physical beauty but by their great qualities and good deeds.  Socrates was not handsome at all. His presence was not taken into consideration. He did well for the people of the world. Everyone remembers him with love and admiration. Inward beauty is far superior to external beauty. Good works make them really beautiful. We can shine in the world by doing good deeds alone.

Therefore it is an apt proverb with great significance. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Knowledge is Power

‘Knowledge is power’ — is a wise saying. It is said to mean that by means of knowledge we can overcome all difficulties and achieve success in life.

Knowledge is the product of learning and knowing. By means of knowledge, man has become civilized.  It is knowledge that makes all the difference between man and beast, between man and man, and between one nation and another. Knowledge is the true source of power. It gives us great advantages in doing and having things that we desire. Men who have knowledge lead others who do not have it. It is knowledge by means of which people teach, invent, conquer and rule. The great achievements of the world are the result of knowledge. Knowledge is superior to wealth or material power. A poor and weak man can draw public tribute with knowledge. With knowledge, everything is possible. The higher the knowledge of a person is, the higher will he rise.  Knowledge works wonders.

Knowledge is our power to protect ourselves against ferocious animals and adverse people. Tiger is a stronger animal than a man. But a man armed with a sword or rifle can kill it easily. Man’s knowledge of the use of steel and gun power gives him the power to conquer a ferocious animal. A barbarian may be physically stronger than a decent man, but he is devoid of knowledge and it makes the difference in becoming civilized.  Social and political problems cannot be solved by force but by intelligence and knowledge.

A civilized man is familiar with many mysteries of nature and uses them for his own benefit. A man devoid of knowledge is unaware of them. Knowledge has given us the strength to our path of progress and happiness. For ages, people feared thunder and lightning.  Now knowledge has given man the power to produce electricity. It illuminates our homes, cools our rooms, carries our messages, acts as a high machine, and can do other useful things.  Knowledge of medicines combats the spread of diseases.  It is the knowledge that has enabled man to conquer nature.

Knowledge of self is the highest form of knowledge. It gives us knowledge about God and His relationship with humans. Self-knowledge encompasses knowledge of all other things. It gives power over nature, animals, and men. Muhammad, Vivekananda, Krishna, Buddha, and Christ showed the magical power of this knowledge. Supreme knowledge can be attained by the discipline of mind and heart. With this knowledge, all sorrows,  sufferings, illnesses and self can be conquered.

Hence knowledge is a power out of which every great thing comes to reality. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

The Child is the Father of Man


Morning Shows the Day

‘The child is the father of man’  is a widely known proverb. There is a similar proverb in the English language that reads as ‘morning shows the day’. Both the proverbs are said to mean that one’s childhood is indicative of what he will become when he grows up. 

This saying is the basis of the truth that family heritage plays a great role in building a man. Every human being is gifted with certain talents, intelligence, characteristics, and thinking habits. Unless the natural surrounding is bound to change his shape, he will naturally develop to maturity with his childhood signs. Apparently, everyone believes that these inherently gifted qualities approximate a person’s future prospects. As the dawn shows, it is, therefore, a general tendency to assume that childhood is an indicator of a man’s future.

But our childhood is surrounded by various environmental conditions. If one is lucky in finding oneself under favorable circumstances, one will gradually develop one’s nature accordingly. Stories of great men show us how the promises of greatness were found in the young days of those great men. On the other hand, if a person is surrounded by misfortune, poverty, and miseries, he will not be able to develop the talent shown in one’s childhood.

Thus,  this statement is believed to be true in dealing with the development of human nature.  0 0 0

Amplification Writing

He Prays Best Who Loves Best

‘He prays best who loves best’ – is a general truth with a deep significance. 

Man is the greatest creation of God. He has bestowed us with the gift of intellect and ingenious power by which he has achieved supremacy over all other creations of God.  He has provided us with all the necessities of life. So we need to worship him to show our gratitude to Him. We go to temples and holy places to pray to Him. Along with praying, we recite His holy names counting the beads and uttering hymns. All of these can bring peace to our minds. But these are not the best forms of service to God. The man who loves all beings, great and small, comes nearer to God. The best form of prayer is to love all beings. Nothing but love is the best means to please God.

God loves us all.  So we all should love God. But how can we show our love for God? He is watching everything. He is seen in our hearts. He cannot be deceived by empty words of prayer. God is the creator of this universe. All creatures, both great and small, are his children. He loves them all equally. A man who loves His children (all beings) can please God. All religions teach us that loving the creatures of God is the best means of prayer. God’s blessings will come there where there is love. If we can count beads, sing hymns, and pronounce God’s name but hate His creatures then our prayer would not be accepted by God. He certainly cannot love us. They can only receive the blessings of God whose heart is pure and who loves all beings equally. Jesus said that God is love and His Presence exists among His creations. Love is the essence of all religions. Universal love is the best form of prayer. This truth was propagated throughout the world by Buddha, Christ, Nanak, Muhammad, Kabir, and all other great preachers.

We should love all beings equally. Then God will also love us. Hatred defiles our hearts. Only pure heart and true love can please God. Therefore, the best way to pray to God is to love all His creatures great and small. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Prevention is Better than Cure

‘Prevention is better than cure’  is a wise saying often said to mean that precaution taken against any disease is better than undergoing treatment after it gets hold of us.

It is natural for humans to fall sick or to be attacked by a disease, but when signs of disease evil appear, there should be no delay in preventing its progress. In this way, we can avoid many problems and sufferances. Prevention is less expensive than cure. It saves time and money and saves us from anxiety. It is foolish to invite difficulties and then try to overcome them. It is better to be on the safe side than to face troubles.

Vaccination can prevent the attack of smallpox. A good foundation of body and brain in the early years ensures a strong and healthy body and brain in later life. There will be hardly any need for treatment. A disease cannot prove fatal, yet it causes a lot of misery. 

The need for treatment suggests that there has been some neglect or thoughtlessness in the first phase. Extreme care must be taken to prevent disease. True to say that many evils can be avoided if we guard ourselves against the evils. Of course, there are difficulties and troubles for which there is no help.

The proverb is generally used in reference to a physical substance such as health. But it is equally true and apt to things like material education, habits-building, character-building, etc. This truth is often overlooked in practice. But if people implement this proverb, the world will be free from many diseases, suffering, and evils. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Sweet are the Uses of Adversity

‘Sweet are the uses of adversity’ is a saying taken from William Shakespeare. Now it is often quoted as a maxim to comfort people in distress. 

Adversity means trouble, grief, or sorrow in life. It also includes various obstacles and difficulties which have to be overcome in life. Those who agree with the meaning of this saying take the world as a school providing moral lessons to us. According to this view, adversity is never a curse, but a blessing because in adversity a man is able to cultivate the greatest qualities of patience, tolerance, endurance, etc.

Although adversity has never been welcomed by anyone, the ultimate effect of adversity on man’s life is great. It disciplines our passion and character and teaches us the lesson of how to overcome adversities in life.

Adversity in life is not desired, but if it comes,  we should face it honestly because it has moral and educative value. It sharpens our skills and intelligence and when we overcome adversity through patience and tolerance, it adds vigor and sweetness to our lives and thus makes our lives meaningful and fruitful.

People are naturally dissatisfied with adversities and they feel completely helpless and rebel against Providence. This is especially the case when we fail without seeing any worthy cause of adversity. This injustice of our fate motivates us to revolt.

The truth of the proverb is that none can avoid adversity in life. So we have to fight against it with patience and intelligence otherwise life will become dull and barren. Adversity is inevitable in the fluctuations of our fate. We either want to endure it or win it. To win it, we have to fight with patience and courage without any complaint. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Rome was not Built in a Day

‘Rome was not built in a day’ is a much-used proverb. It is said to mean that every great deed needs a considerable amount of time to be accomplished.

The city of Rome, the capital of the great Roman Empire, is a  wonder of the civilized world. This great city, with its grand buildings and magnificent parks, was not built only in a year or two but was the result of constant effort over centuries. It took almost six hundred years and the hard labor of people to get completed. The history behind the creation of Rome is a history of formidable labor and patience. All the undertakings of permanent value require these two gifts- constant labor and patience.

This saying teaches us the lesson that no great work can be done without labor and patience. Nothing great can be accomplished in a trice. This is true of all great institutions political, social, educational, or religious. Each great movement must be gradual and cumulative to be permanent.  Small things can happen within a short span of time but great things need a long time.

For example, the Taj Mahal of  Agra, the Pyramid of Egypt, the Great Wall of China etc. took many years to be constructed.  England and America have achieved distinction in power and excellence by means of hard work through the ages. India had to struggle for over a century to get independence.

We must learn to labor and wait. We cannot climb up the mountains on a leap. Everything should be done step by step. Success can be achieved by those who do not mind failures but struggle constantly to the end. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Self-help is the Best Help

‘Self-help is the best help’  is a wise saying. It is said to mean helping oneself. 

Human life on earth is full of activities and sometimes we wish for the help of others in accomplishing them. But in reality, we see that help asked from others is hard to get. Because everyone is busy with his own business and then we realize how foolish it is to ask for help from others in accomplishing a task. The habit of relying on others for help destroys our confidence. And it also prevents us from developing our innate qualities.

Self-help is considered the root of all success in this world. It can develop many good qualities in men. This feeling of self-help enables a person to work hard with strong willpower and determination. It also increases confidence in oneself and helps a person gain courage and mental strength.

There is a real joy when people do their work on their own. Also, they can boldly face any difficulties and hardships in life. God does not help a man if he cannot help himself.

The truth of this proverb is best demonstrated by the story of Hercules and Carter. The story reads as follows:

Once a bullock cart got stuck in the mud. When the bulls failed to pull it out, Carter prayed to Hercules, the Greek god of Strength, for help. Hercules appeared and instead of helping Carter to pull out the cart, he advised Carter to put his shoulders on the wheel and try to pull it out himself. Carter followed it and the carriage moved forward. Therefore we understand that no god can help us unless we try ourselves.

Success comes only after honest hard work. So it is said that God really helps those who help themselves. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

United We Stand, Divided We Fall

‘United we stand, divided we fall’ is an old saying. It is often said to emphasize the strength and value of the union (working together).

‘Unity’ refers to the state of being united. It is integrity without wanting anything. Sometimes we cannot do a thing alone but it can be done with the help of others. When we work united we understand the value of the union. A man cannot bear a heavy burden but if many people try it, they can do it easily. A man alone cannot protect his country but it can be done when people are united. It is difficult to break a bundle of sticks, but one can break a single stick easily. None can deny the fact that unity gives us strength. Not every piece of grass is strong enough, but when a rope is made of them, an elephant can be tied with it. Thus everything can be done easily by virtue of unity.

History gives us many examples of the value of unity. By association, many countries have become powerful and prosperous. Again many countries have become weak after being separated from a federation. If the members of a family live together and help each other, they can prosper easily. But if they do not live together and do not help each other, they become weak. English has become the most prosperous nation for its unity. A poor man does not have enough money to start a big business, but if one hundred poor men unite their money they can start a business.

Thus the value of unity is great. Unity leads us to prosperity. Therefore the proverb, ‘United we stand and divided we fall’ has a universal appeal. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

A Friend in Need is a Friend Indeed

‘A friend in need is a friend indeed’ is a popular proverb.  It is often quoted to refer to the value of true friendship. 

Friendship is an intimacy between two persons who share each other’s joys and sorrows, fortunes, and misfortunes. In other words, to say, friendship is an affectionate attachment of one to another.

There are two kinds of friends- false friends and true friends. False friends are they who share only our joys and fortunes. They forsake us in times of sorrows and misfortunes. They are fair-weather friends. On the other hand, a true friend is one who shares both joys and sorrows equally. He never deserts us in times of misfortunes. True friendship must know and understand the feelings and wants of each other. We all know the story of two friends and a bear where a friend climbed up a tall leaving the other in danger when a bear approached them. 

True friendship is a blessing in one’s life. To be happy in life, we must have friends. But we must be very careful in selecting friends. A true friend is a light in the darkness. He guides encourages and enlivens one and remains a well-wisher of his friend throughout his life. 0 0 0

Amplification Writin 

Cowards Die Many Times Before Their Death

‘Cowards die many times before their death’ is read as a popular proverb. William Shakespeare is credited as the maker of this popular saying. It is often quoted to mean the worthlessness of a coward person.

In our day-to-day life, we meet some people who are afraid to take risks in life. They are always afraid of loss and death. They have no courage to face danger and want to keep themselves away from it. They are timid. They have no mental strength and enthusiasm. They are mentally dead although they are physically alive. They easily pick up threats and scare them. So they always avoid working for fear of facing failure. But success in life comes through labor which they can hardly realize. The harder our labor is the more victorious we become.

On the other hand, the brave are not afraid of dangers and hard labor. They take all t threats and challenges and instead of running away from them, they jump in and fight bravely to be victorious. Such an attitude makes their life great and sweeter. Fear of death never works in them. They embrace death, if it comes, with a smiling face.

It is an idealistic theory of life. We must accept the conditions of life courageously and at the same time, we should act wisely and cautiously. It is prudent to guide oneself not by the impulse of emotion but by logic and intelligence.

These lines indicate that men who are afraid to face the circumstances of life are cowards.  They suffer the agony of death many times in their imaginations before their actual death. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Where There is a Will There is a Way

The proverb means that the most difficult thing can be done if there is a strong will to do it.  A strong will can overcome all obstacles and difficulties. 

To the man of strong will, success is bound to come. The man who is determined to conquer is the man who never falls. Intelligence alone cannot conquer difficulties but a strong will can. Nothing is denied to a man who has patience, perseverance, and determination. There are many instances to show the truth of this popular saying. We all know the story of the thirsty crow and a pitcher. The crow at last found out the way and it got water to drink. We know that Demosthenes, a Greek statesman, and orator had a weak voice. He stammered while speaking. People laughed at him when rose to speak. But with diligence and firm determination, he overcame all difficulties and became one of the greatest orators in the world. Napoleon rose from the humble position of an ordinary soldier to the most powerful monarch in Europe by virtue of strong will and perseverance. Firm determination helped Tenzing Norke conquer the highest peak in the world.

Some people blame their fate. But a man is the maker of his own fortune. People fail because of their poor willpower and idleness.  We must not be frightened away, by difficulties. At first sight, some work may appear quite beyond our ability but we should not give it up. We must have strength of mind. We may fail once or twice but if we work heart and soul we cannot but be successful in the long run. A man of strong will and courage is sure to be crowned with success.

This proverb teaches us a good moral lesson. We shall have all that we wish for if only we have firm determination. A man of strong will thinks that he can do what others can do.  We are not all equally gifted: some are very intelligent, and some are dull. Some are healthy and some are sickly. Yet everybody can attain a certain standard of success. An intelligent boy will prepare a lesson within a short time but a boy of less intelligence may take a longer time. This is all the difference. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

A Little Learning Is a Dangerous Thing

 ‘A little learning is a dangerous thing’ –is a common saying. It is often quoted to warn us against the danger that may come from a man who works with little knowledge.

There is no limit to learning. The more we learn, the more we realize how little our education is. This type of feeling is common to all intelligent and learned persons. But people with little knowledge believe that they are very intelligent and learned. So sometimes their actions or behavior become a big threat to their family or society. They often suffer for their work. For example, we meet some people in society with little knowledge of machinery works but pretend to be a skilled workers. Consequently, they spoil the things that they are credited to perform. We should avoid such people. Otherwise, the people who come in contact with such people may suffer equally. In the administrative affairs of a county sometimes we find some leaders who gain power by means of propagating their vain knowledge but in reality, they prove to be futile, and their role harm society.  Therefore should not be influenced by people of little knowledge. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

A Man is Known by the Company He Keeps

‘A Man is Known by the Company He Keeps’ is a wise saying.  The proverb indicates that by judging a  man’s friends we can know the man.

Man is a social being. He can not live alone. He needs friends, associates, followers, etc. with whom he operates himself. But ‘Birds of the same feather flock together.’ People of the same nature (similar tastes and tendencies) normally get along very well.  For example, a man who is meditative in nature can not associate with a person who is quarrelsome and noisy.  Actually, a good person gets pleasure with a good partner.  This is true for a dishonest person also. A thief very easily associates and gets pleasure with a person of the same nature. He can not associate with an honest man and vice-versa. Likewise, if a good man comes into contact with a wicket man he can not bear his wickedness for a long time and gives up his company as soon as he comes to know it.

If a good man keeps himself in contact with a  bad man for a long time then most probably he turns into a bad one. Because the dealings of a person often act upon his nearest people. So by judging the company of a man, we can know the man. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears a Crown

The statement, ‘Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown’- is taken from the play ‘King Henry-IV’ by William Shakespeare. This statement tells us that a man of high position or high responsibility is also full of high risk and challenges.

Generally, people think that the life of a king or a man of high position is full of comfort, ease, and happiness. So everyone wants to own the crown (high position) in society. But in reality,  a person wearing a crown (having a high position)  can never lead a happy and carefree life. Along with the crown, he is bestowed with many duties and responsibilities. He has to face a lot of opposition, intrigue, criticisms, etc. which sometimes threatens his life. He has to lead and manage many people under him which keeps his mind busy all the time. For this, a man who wears a crown on his head can not enjoy a peaceful and carefree life.

Therefore we should bear in mind that along with aspiring for a high position we should also be ready to face high risk. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

We Live in Deeds, Not in Years

We live in deeds, not in years’ is a popular  English proverb. It is often quoted to mean that the worth of a man is measured by the deeds he performs in life, not by the days he lives on earth.

No man can live forever in this temporary world. But a man with his good works can make this short span of life meaningful and worth mentioning. Those who live long lives without doing anything remarkable are never remembered after their deaths. Great poets, philosophers, and scientists have attained the status of immortality through their contributions to the benefit and welfare of mankind.

Therefore our life is measured not by months or years but by our noble deeds. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Better Alone Than in a Bad Company

‘Better alone than in a bad company – is a popular proverb and it is said to indicate the evil effects of bad companies.

Man cannot remain alone. A person needs company to get rid of loneliness and solitude. Bad companions can also overcome our loneliness. His words or suggestions may seem good in times of loneliness. But his company should tie us to the worst of things. They can take us on the wrong path. When a good company is not available, it is better to be alone. At this stage, we can get help by reading books, traveling or listening to music. Bad partners are never acceptable to overcome our loneliness.

So we should be very cautious in selecting friends.  0 0 0

Amplification Writing

An Idle Brain Is a Devil’s Workshop

‘An idle brain is a Devil’s workshop’- is a common saying. This saying indicates that a man without a regular duty is easily inclined to negative thoughts which are often harmful.

The human brain is ever active and it keeps always busy with something. It never knows to stop. When a man is physically busy with something, the brain also revolves around it. For example when a farmer plows his land, then his brain keeps thinking about seeds, crops, weather, loss, gain,  harvesting, watering, etc. Likewise, a teacher keeps busy with his job and his brain keeps thinking about his students, books, plans, teaching method, the future course, etc. Thus a regular duty keeps one busy not only physically but also mentally. It is seen that most crimes are committed by those youths who are out of regular duties and spend their hours roaming about here and there or staying elsewhere without work.

But if a man does not have any regular duty and spends his hours in idleness, then myriad thoughts and feelings come to his brain spontaneously over which he has little control. But most of the thoughts which come spontaneously to our brain are negative (bad) and may harm us. When bad thoughts take over our brains, we are no longer humans; we become Satan. So an idle brain can be regarded as a devil’s workshop that produces only destructive ideas and plans. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Waste Not, Want Not

‘Waste not want not’ is a wise saying. It is said as a piece of advice that we should be mindful of the proper and economic use of everything.

If we can use anything properly, we will never fall into a shortage of anything. Wastage of any kind must result in want. Our religion also teaches us that the wastage of anything is a sin. Our daily expenses should be essential to our needs or demand. If we use our time, energy, or money properly, we will never fall short of these things. Therefore, by being economical in relation to everything, we can save ourselves from poverty. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Black Will Take no Other Hue

‘Black will take no other hue’- is a wise saying. It is said as a metaphor to mean that the nature of things doesn’t change by mere decoration.

Coal is black. No cleaning effort can remove the blackness of coal.  Likewise, the nature or personality of a man does not change. It always remains the same. In other words, to say, the heart that has been completely corrupted can hardly be corrected by any good advice. Similarly, when the base of a building is very weak, only the exterior decoration cannot make it strong. The true nature of a man cannot be covered by anything. 

Therefore, all our efforts to get something good from a bad person should go in vain. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Necessity is the Mother of Invention

The statement ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’ –  tells us how the invention of new things happens.

Man is said to be the greatest creation of Nature. He is great because he has the intellect and power to think. Besides this, the human brain is ever dissatisfied and it is desirous to have more than it has. Hence when a man feels a desire for anything, he works hard to fulfill his demand. He thinks, observes, plans contrives, and makes new things. It is true that necessity is the root cause of all the inventions that we have today. The intensity of the requirement acts as a catalyst in any invention process. The present stage of human civilization is the result of constant efforts to solve various needs of mankind. Every invention of science and technology aims to make our life easy and comfortable.

So to have a thing invented we must feel its necessity first. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

‘A rolling stone gathers no moss- is a popular proverb and it signifies that a vagabond or a man with no fixed job and determination cannot prosper in life.

We know that a rolling stone can never collect any moss due to rubbing with soil. Similarly, a man who often changes his business and never settles himself into anything special cannot succeed in life. To wear a crown of success, a person must stick to a fixed job for a long time. A person with a fickle mind can never do anything great or remarkable in this world. 

Therefore success only embraces those individuals who are honest, attentive, and determined to do anything. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Empty Vessels Sound Much

‘Empty vessels sound much’-is an Indian proverb. It is often quoted to mean that people with only a little knowledge and ability always try to find the scope to express themselves in vain.  

When beaten, an empty vessel makes more sound than a vessel filled with something. Likewise, a drum with nothing inside sounds too much. This empty vessel or drum can be compared to men with little knowledge. These types of men often talk as if they knew everything. They like to have long conversations often with a loud voice and bombastic words but all those signify a little. 

On the other hand, intelligent and learned individuals speak little but what they speak is full of significance. They like to keep themselves aloof from any kind of mean publicity.

Hence speaking most producing much sound is a sign of little knowledge.  0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Pride Goes Before Fall

‘Pride goes before a fall’- is a common saying. It reminds us of the negative effects of being arrogant.

Pride is one of the most disgusting variances. It makes a man different from his surroundings. It is also a source of arrogance and autocracy. A person who feels proud of his position starts keeping an eye on his peers and feels to be better and superior to all the rest. Hence his behavior and dealing with his associates become harsh. At this, he gradually loses all his love, sympathy, and admiration. Consequently, his associates want to get rid of his company. Thus they become hostile to him and when a chance comes, all his associates leave him.   Even when he is in danger, his nearest people also fight shy of helping him. Consequently, he loses his position, social status, honor and gets humiliated.

Therefore, pride is always destructive. Insult or collapse is the result of pride. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Black Will Take No Other Hue

‘Black will take no other hue’- is a wise saying. It is said as a metaphor to mean that the nature of things doesn’t change by mere decoration.

Coal is black. No cleaning effort can remove the blackness of coal.  Likewise, the nature or personality of a man does not change. It always remains the same. In other words, to say, the heart that has been completely corrupted can hardly be corrected by any good advice. Similarly, when the base of a building is very weak, only the exterior decoration cannot make it strong. The true nature of a man cannot be covered by anything. 

Therefore, all our efforts to get something good from a bad person should go in vain. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

A Smiling Face Never Looks Bad

The statement ‘A smiling face never looks bad’ is full of significance. It means that a man in a good mood can draw the attention of all.

Our worldly life is full of problems, difficulties, obstacles, etc, and hence it is very difficult to have a smiling face (good mood)  all the time. But we should realize that both joys and sorrows are the components of life. We can never avoid them. It is wise for us to accept both the joys and sorrows equally. A person who always presents a smiling face irrespective of age, situation, and status is liked by everyone. Such a man becomes an attractive personality for all who come into his contact. On the other hand, gloominess casts a shadow on any face.

So a  man who keeps a smiling face both in well and woe is liked and accepted by all. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone

‘Man does not live by bread alone’- is a wise saying and it is often quoted to mean that we should be mindful both of our body and mind.

To have sound physical health, a person must possess a sound mind. We need food to nourish our bodies. Similarly, our mind also requires some refreshment for nourishment. Good company, good book, good natural scenery, music, sports, and games, traveling, etc. may provide our mental food. Meeting the demand of mental hunger or thirst is as much necessary and important as physical hunger or thirst.

Therefore, to live a healthy life, we should take some food for our body as well as our mind. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Man’s Worst Enemy Is His Tongue

The statement, ‘Man’s worst enemy is his tongue’ is said to refer to the adverse result of our harsh speech.

We know that our speech reflects our personality. People judge us by our words. So the good words that come out of our tongue can present us as respectable one in society. Similarly, when a person uses harsh or rough words, everyone around him turns hostile to him. By using good and sweet words, we can conquer the heart of others. Even an enemy can be turned into a good friend through sweet words.

Therefore, our respect or humiliation depends largely on our tongue (speech). 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Experience Is the Best Teacher

The statement, ‘Experience is the best teacher’- reminds us of the value and significance of what we learn from the facts that happen in our practical life.

We can learn in many ways as by reading books, listening to the sayings of others, interacting with people, traveling to places, etc. But the lessons we learn from our day-to-day experiences are more meaningful and lasting than any other kind of learning. None can deny the fact that sound and intimate knowledge of anything can be acquired only in the practical field. We learn practically, falls a lasting impression on our minds. Institutional lectures are often theoretical and people are prone to forget them easily. But what we learn from our experience remains long in our memory and hence appears to be fruitful in times of need.

So experience can best be considered to be the best teacher. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Hurry Spoils the Curry

‘Hurry spoils the curry’- is a proverb and it is said to mean that a task done in haste does not produce the desired result.

No great or remarkable work of this world was done in haste. In order to accomplish anything neatly and artistically, proper time is required. We know that the city of Rome was built over a span of thousand years. The Great Wall of China took more than a century and a half to be accomplished. When we want to do anything in a hurry, there must be some defect in the result. This does not mean that we should slow down for all tasks. They make a hurry in doing something and start work at the eleventh hour.  For lack of time, they have to hurry. At this, they can never do anything completely.

Therefore, we should do everything at the proper time following the proper steps so that we can get the desired result. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Look Before You Leap

‘Look before you leap’ is a common saying. It is often said as a warning to be cautious in making a decision.

A hasty decision rarely brings anything good. If we do something wrong in relation to making a decision, we should suffer for it. To write or to say something important, we should think more than several times so that we can avoid the unsatisfactory result. If we fall into a dilemma in making a decision we should consult our friends and elders. Because only one wrong decision can reverse the overall favorable situation and result. When the leader of a nation does something wrong, the entire country has to suffer for it. Though humans are subject to mistakes, a decision backed by deep thought can minimize them. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

Justice Delayed, Justice Denied

‘Justice delayed, justice denied’- is a common truth. It is said to mean that procrastination in regard to justice is mere harassment.

People go to law court in order to get justice against the injustice done to them. But it is seen that the judicial system is often lengthy because of some unavoidable legal processes.   A lengthy process of the judicial system often disregards the soul of justice. Procrastination in regard to justice is only oppression for good people. Sometimes it is seen that the accused or suspect is proved innocent after a long period. In such a case, they are denied justice because,  throughout the period, the accused persons have to live under social and psychological pressure. 

So it is true that delayed justice leads to the sufferance of the accused. 0 0 0

Amplification Writing

To Err is Human

‘To err is human’ is a common saying which is true to all humans of all times. It means that it is natural to human nature to do mistakes in some matters of their everyday doings.

Man is the greatest creation of God. He is bestowed with the gift of intelligence and the power of thought. Yet he sometimes does mistakes in operating his everyday duties. Though he tries to do the right things yet sometimes for want of proper knowledge or under some unavoidable circumstances he happens to do mistakes. Hence it is said that none can lead a  life without making a single mistake in life. When a man goes through coursework, he must stumble at some of his mistakes. The only way to get rid of mistakes is to avoid working and sitting idle. But sitting idle is contrary to human nature. Because we must work for our survival. If we never speak, then there will be no mistakes in our speech. Similarly, if we do not involve ourselves in any work, we can avoid mistakes. But it is also a mistake to waste our time without doing anything.

Therefore, a human has to go through the path of mistakes to achieve his goal.  0 0 0

The End

Some Books of Composition by Menonim Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..


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Next articleParagraph Writing
I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.



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