A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

(A Collected Poems)







Menonim Menonimus






Internet Edition







A Heart Full of Golden Hopes (A Collection of English Poems) by Menonim Menonimus,


First  Edition: 2019


Rights Reserved 


Price: Rs.—– only 




D. T. P. By  Adid Shahariar, Kamlpur, Barpeta.








Dear Merina

Who came into the world of mine 

being a shower of rain

with the promise of moisturizing

my barren soil

And fled away breaking off the cells of my entire entity

being the cruelest gale.


Menonim Menonimus

Shanti Kanan

Kamalpur, Barpeta.





A Story

For Years Disgust



Image of My Land

A Friend Says So

A Minstrel


Two Stanzas

Fire in Heart

Be United


Summer Sky


O! My Verses

Our Priest


Life and Death

Heart’s Desire

Oh, God

A Story

I Have

I Weep

Only for You

A Woman’s Tale



Love Again

Yet We Know not them

If it is the Time

If You Love Me

Dark Starry Night

Your Love Has Made Me Divine


Children at Play

The Red Rose and the Sea

Days Ahead


To Nightingale

Common Road

Two Paths Ahead


A Heart Full of Golden Hopes



A Story

(A Narrative Poem)


In the year 1622 A. D.  A commercial poignant Spanish ship called “Nuestra Senora Dah Asota”, led by Captain Milles, aged 35. The number of sailors is 43. They are returning from the New World carrying on abundant gold, silver, diamond, and riches. All are in a gay and jubilant mood. Captain Milles is a fiancé to Miss Olivia who is waiting for her would-be husband to be married just after his arrival. At midnight, the ship comes sailing to the Mid Mexico Bay and then-




Suddenly the transparent starry sky becomes gloomy

The clouds heaped upon clouds,

And begins to thunder, roar and rebel

And the stars drop down.


The full round moon hides sorrowfully

Covering with dusky dark,

Everything goes beyond the reach of the eyes

Nothing was visible to mark.


The sea surge begins to swell and fly 

Up to the high Heaven,

As if a monster is devouring the entire world

Approaching the ship even.


Rains and rains, heavy rains begin to fall

With bolt, lightning and thunder,

Simultaneously it was light and dark

Striking the world under.


Storms and storms wind and whirlwind

Wildly begin to blow,

The deep sea with wild wavy water

With tide seems to flow.


From earth to sky, from the sky to earth

Without least sympathy,

And the dance of Death begins with joy

Affecting the ship relentlessly.




The sailors’ joyous song and jubilant mood

Fly away suddenly,

Weeping and crying with fear take place

In their heart instantly.


Hymns and hymns lines after lines 

Come through their tongues,

Humbly all sailors begin to entreat God

By praise and holy songs.


Their loud entreat to God has reached

At the far-off Indian bay,

But not reach at the ears of Heaven

What they utter and say.


The rains and rains with thunder and bolt

With lightning and roaring,

Second by second begins to wend madly

Against the sailors’ struggling.


All night through the dark the storm blew

Till it was next morning,

But none of the sailors was to be seen

With the sun rising.


A gust of wind overturned the ship

And fell all into the sea,

All of them including the ship

Could no more seen be.




The sun rose but not as bright as it rises

At morn after night,

The birds stopped to sing and began to weep

For this tragic plight.


The moon did not seem to raise her head

For many a week,

The sea whales and trouts abstained from food

And seemed to become weak.


The entire world became heart-broken

Weeping, crying, lamenting,

To receive Milles his dear fiancée, still today

With a garland have been waiting. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes


For Years’ Disgust


For years’ disgust, seasons’ disdain

Day-nights’ hard toil in vain

Having cut off the wings of hope to leap

From clouds to clouds, from the sky to sky

All been driven away by incessant sighs

My Pegasus has come to an end.

My verses having being deprived of light

Spending many a sleepless vigilant night

Is smashed, bleared and dried.

What had been expressed veiled in darkness

Under the sea of poverty and ditch of dream

Having been away from sun-beam

Nothing now I have to talk with but tears

Hardly the agony my heart can bear

Being deprived of media and press

My tidings to the world to express. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes




In a sky-high towery city, she did live

Among the gracefully grown plants of flowers

And infinite comforts did she enjoy.

A year ago only a year ago

Cuckoo did echo her heart-touching song

Dappled-coloured wildflowers did bloom around her.

The Luit did welcome her

Her eyes did reflect her flash of flame in the wavy water

Flowers and flowers, a garland of flowers,

Wreaths of praise, of honour, crowned her hairy head.

The stars did smile congratulating her swelling breast

Queues of strangers, pedestrians

Crowds of well-wishers had her

While she was amid riches and gold and silver.

No dearth of friends had she

Had she said: let me have the sun, stars and the moon

They might have done to her satisfaction.


But with the passing of time

All is wasted in pride of abundance and beauty’s glory

Today none sings a song for her praise

None welcome her with a wreath of flowers.

Now every door is her home

Every street is her abode.

No bird sings to her ears

No star shines on her

No river reflects her flame of eyes. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes




For the whole yesternight

I felt somebody knocking at my door

It became louder and louder

And made a bursting echo to my heart

I woke up and opened  my door

I saw there nothing

But felt my heart got replete with moonlit. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes


Image of My Land


Wherever I go 

I put him in my heart

With so much tender and care

None sees, none knows

He puts off all his flames and robes

And sleeps therein

I’m so much busy to quench the fire of my belly

But whenever I got chance and time

I push him out and have a talk

He often talks of love and struggle,

Fire and water, dales and desert,

He talks of darkness and of light.

Amid the din and bustle of my battle-days 

I listen to his speeches

And make a sun within me

The light of which shows me the path of life. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

A Friend Says So


Nowadays I’ve deviated from my course of walking

There just beside the road lived a lady

I remind well-

It was she who nursed me while I got pain

She lulled me putting her both hands up to the sky

Looking at the sky 

I soared up and grasped the twinkling stars.

Thus day after day, night after night

I brought the blues of the sky under my sway

And I myself became the sky.

Now I’m not what I was in her lap

But still today

She remains the same

And hence is my deviation. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

A Minstrel


If you manipulate your finger

On the strings of your harp

The sun rises at dead night

The robin dances in the yellow paddy field

The moonlight sleeps silently on the grass.

Your song brings in the divine message

Unto our heart

That makes our souls swell up in joy

And makes us forget all our day’s wounds.

But sorrow is that you are always in bare food 

And carry a hungry belly wherever you go

Alas! Your hunger produces manna for us. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes





She is my cook

She makes meat of my flesh

And feeds me

I know she pretends to love me

Sucking blood of mine

Yet I’m to say-

You are so silly to amuse me!




I’ve nothing to give you 

I’m destitute of all my gems

But a heart I’ve with some green love in it

Would you like to exchange your hard heart

For my green love? 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Two Stanzas




Come from where you are

I’m here, shaking off my hand 

Lying facing upwards

Let me have some warm touch of your heart

And let me live.




For this night 

I’ll drink to the last ooze

And would become a drunkard

Only to scot-free of your too much affection

I’m tired of too much betrayal! 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Fire in Heart


Love made up in dreams

Many an affection had there been

As a dead fish floats in water

So floats my desire. 

Tears in the eyes, 

Stream in the chest

Smile of the lips has withered.

Is it love

Or fire to burn so a tender heart? 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Be United


Come out from where you are

I’m here ready with my arms

Come all the warriors,

Singers, artists, sculptors

Come the peasants and the farmers

Come all who have life, ears, eyes and heart

Come, let us stand strong 

With all our might and right

Against the monster called Terrorism.


We must bury it under the core of the heaviest hill

Let its fossils also be burnt to ashes from our human soil.

Come, set fire to it

And let us abhor it from the core of our bosom

Let its spelling be lost in the state of fugitiveness

Let us even forget to pronounce the term.

Come out, let us be united

And stand against it with all our might. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes



In my wallet

There is nothing except some coagulated tears

Collected during my journey throughout the day

If you are hungry

You may take some of them

But friend, give me back my wallet

After me, there will come somebody,

Who, like me, would beg from door to door

Because you must live. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Summer Sky


Summer sky 

Now it is cloudy I see

And then it is raining I see

And then it is neither cloud nor raining

I can hardly feel-

Whether it is its instinct or madness

But I happen to feel-

It is as fickle as your lovemaking.


I’m told-

There is no rain on the way to the temple

We both will walk ahead and pray:

Let us remain living to the coming spring

On the shore of the sea.

Of love making

It is our first spring. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes



Often in the sun-bathed morning

The earth turns mad

And loses its five senses

The skulls of our heads drop down

And forget to be the being of this green earth

We look at each other and become strangers

While we quench our thirst drinking our blood

We come to our senses

But oh!

Our senses are dead. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

 O! My Verses 


My verses have worn out in manuscripts

Like a weather-stricken statue

Glittering and burning in the dew

I think had I not compiled and composed them!

Only to console my heart keeping away from fame

Why had I need to spend my hours

In rainbows, greens and flowers?

Now my abode far off from verse is to shift

Why should I go through passions’ drift?

Since through whom is gone and penetrated

Have been neglected, contaminated and adulterated. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Our Priest


Now our priest’s sacred duty comes to an end

Through anointing, a man’s soul was defended

From the trammels of sin

His soul then no meaner

Years’ misdeeds are forgiven

Soul’s Satan is driven

If it is so it is not his duty but his greed!


Glory be to such a benevolent god-like priest

By whom all are to be forgiven and blest

Not more we fear to commit sin

No crime can make us mean

No fault is a blunder

Hence suck blood and plunder

The priest would anoint us and make us blest! 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes




Thou art a moving movie

A walking shadow

A revolving planet

As much as I struggle to avoid you 

So much you stick to me.

You are like a maid fallen in love with a mate

That suffers the agony of hell

If left by her mate for a moment.

Loneliness, you are a storm accompanied by 

Hail and rain and thunder

And strike neither hills nor trees

Neither vaults nor skyscrapers

But the inner cells of the heart

And breaks down all the boughs and leaves.


Men are many. 

Here, there and everywhere

But loneliness lives best where there is a crowd.

When my friends and mates and maids

Give me their company 

To drive my loneliness away

Then my obstinate loneliness embraces me 

With newer vigour.

When I talk to them or they talk to me

My loneliness attacks me with all its arms

And suffocates my inhalation and exhalation,

And the cadence of words, 

The prosody of my sentence and melody of my verse.

Loneliness is my best friend

My guide, my music, my philosopher.

It is my life, my soul.

If it leaves me I’ll die. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Life and Death


Life is the enjoyment of Death

And Death is the fulfillment of the image

That we desire in life.

Life is a plant of flowers

That never blooms;

Yet we hope to enjoy the fragrance.

Death is a river of distilled water

That cleanse up all the wounds and scars.

Life is a fountain pen 

That scratches down all the fragments of our feeling

Which we recite, read and forget lamentably.

Death is an orbit in the far and far-off sky

That never meets the end of its course.

Life is the eyes

Death is its smiles

The former begets seas and oceans

And the latter begets mystery. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Heart’s Desire


A day must come

That I’ll overcome both the world-

The world of Darkness and the world of Light

As Death conquers all the kings and lords.


A day must come 

When I’ll be summoned 

To leave all the world 

As the sun does

And done by the moon and the stars.


A day must come

That my Poverty must leave me 

As a borrower leaves his lender.


A day must come that I’ll smile 

As a piece of the lotus that smiles at the strangers

Even to the moon at night.


A day must come

That everybody must weep for this poor minstrel

As I weep alone within this solitary cell

For those who are unknown, 

Unheard and unappreciated till now. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Oh God


Oh, God! What can’t you do?

Yes, you can do everything

Better than a man on earth can imagine

You can crush down all the golden hopes

Of ours like a tsunami

That crushes down all the leaves 

And twigs of all the tall trees.

You can turn a mammon to a pauper

And a pauper to a mammon

You can make one to live in the skyscraper

And you can hurl down the others 

Into the belly of mud.

You with a smiling face can tread upon 

The heads of the poor

As an eagle treads upon the top of a hill.

You can send sweets and comfort to some 

And to the heart of many others 

You can penetrate the sharp sword 

And in content can burst into loud laughter.

Yes, you can do everything after your Will

We are the toys in the hand of thine

And like a babe- you can sip it, 

Suck it, wield it, and bite it

And can strike it against the hill 

And can break down into pieces.

You are great, great are you, my God.

All my worship and devotion are due to thee. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes 

A Story


I can translate the stories of those ages 

When the story was not born.

Willingly I’ve not done it.

Before my time many had endeavoured

To translate the stories-

But could not succeed.

After me, many will try

But they also would not be successful.

Because we are men 

That love the flowers made of paper.

The flavour of true flowers is unbearable to us.

We are men that carry the matches 

In our pocket instead of our devotion to the sun.

Like a folded umbrella is our heart

As a dead language is our brain.

We are the men of the age that are proud of

Demanding to be the disciples of Mahatma, 

Muhammad, Buddha, Russell, Einstein 

Whose photos are kept hung on our walls.

We are men of the age of jet airways

And can travel to far-off planets

In our voices and sounds, there are the waves

Of regaining the loss of ourselves.

In front of us is the table of the modern age

On which there have been being translated

Our blood, flesh and bones 

Inhalation and exhalation.

Every moment of every night 

Is the manuscript of our story.

Now we have to translate the stories 

Of them who have not been born still today. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

 I Have


I have the ingredients:

The tears,

The passions, 

The pains, 

The penance

And the hopes for life

Yet I am dying.

Since my birth. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

 I Weep


I’m lying

In the heartless mundane market

Leaving you in solitude, my stamina.

Now I weep-

My heart swells up in pain

My inner energy infuses into the darkness

At midday, I feel-

The darkness of the deep night

The spring-like torrent of winter

I feel in my entire entity.

And within the darkness, I weep for the day. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Only For You


Only for you 

I have forgotten 

All the evil hours-

The thorns of the ways

The bleeding of the heart

Only for you 

I have trodden all my futurity

Now I’m a dead being without you. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

A Woman’s Tale




I’m a woman, now an aged wife

During my maidenhood

I was beautiful in the eyes of the bachelors.

They often said-

My eyes were as beautiful 

As the halo of the setting sun.

My cheeks were like a pair of ripening cheery

As they said-

I had black hair- as black as 

The cloud in the western sky

In the month of April.

My two breasts were two fully ripened pomegranates

My two lips were as ripen as sweet banana

Easy to sip, bite and chew with juice.

My waist was enough to quench their desire

I was of average height-

Neither tall nor short

As a bachelor dreams of his would-be beloved.

My tone was as mellifluous as that of a nightingale

And that of a spring cuckoo.

I could sing a song- though not so well-

Yet they praised me and exalted me 

As a piece of wonder and pride.

I could not dance

Yet they conversed among themselves

And said:

Had she danced she could have surpassed all. 

Many bachelors wished to make me their bed-maid

But since my progenitor had no means

To give me in marriage with a dowry

I had to wait till thirty-five

Now, fortunately, I happened to have a husband

And now I am married

That means I am a wife.




Till the day of my marriage 

That means during my maidenhood

I dreamed within myself to have a spouse

With whom I would exchange my joys and sorrows,

My belief and disbelief,

My soul and hopes

As the rains exchange their love 

With the seas and rivers.

I wanted to be a part and parcel of my life mate 

In his everyday life

As the boughs are of a tree

Or the blue is to the sky.

Shifting my home to that of my husband

I wished to be free from the strict bondage of my parents.

And wished to enjoy the freedom

I wanted to express- what a woman is

I wanted to give a reality to my feeling,

Passion, my sense of beauty and my all

That a woman wishes to fill up in life.




Here in my husband’s home- I’m a wife

I’m a servant, I’m an image, I’m a wallet

I’m a sweeper, I’m a valet

And above all, I’m a machine

I have to move right and left 

After the behest of my husband

I’m compelled to turn into a horse and again into a sleeping dog 

To meet the desires of my lord

I have to take off my robes and I have to put on them again 

After the gesture of my husband

I have to provide everything with all my entity 

To his satisfaction

I have to gap up to my every nook and corner

My every chasm, my every armlet, and even my mouth

To satisfy his ego.

Now my two pomegranates are two pieces of plaything

I’m compelled to taste his spittle 

And even his sweaty drops of liquid.

Now I’ve no dream of my own

If I dream I have to dream only of him

All my dreams that I used to dream 

During my maidenhood

Are buried behind in my parents’ home forever.


I have no career; my husband’s career is my own

I have no freedom to think

I have no right to talk with the outsiders

I’m within the wall of my husband’s house. 

Now, day after day I’m turning to a robot

That must act upon – what is commanded by its master. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes





I’ve heard the names of many rivers

Many rivers’ names I’ve heard.

I’ve heard of the fertile plains around the rivers

I’ve heard about the green grass and plants

Growing beside their banks.

I’ve heard of the boats and ships 

That sail in them.

I’ve heard about the tales of their pregnancy.

I’ve heard about them only 

But have not seen them

I’ve never bathed in the water of the rivers

I’ve never sat on the grass that grows on their banks.

I’ve also not sailed in them

I’ve heard only and wondered

And much time I thought-

Were they not only stories to make me curious?




Years have passed

Now I’ve no such curiosity-

I’ve no doubt on the story that I heard about rivers

Now, though late, I’ve seen only one of many rivers

That is the type of all the rivers

Now I’ve had walking on the banks of the river

I’ve sat on the grass growing on the banks of the river

I’ve taken sailing in them 

And even I’ve taken the taste of bathing in the river

Now I’m in the bed of the river

Now everywhere around me is a river

Now I am drowned in the river. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes



Shakespeare, why are you not living today?

It is only you and you alone

That has the hand to give life

To the bastard art and verse of ours.

And you alone have the ability to deface the stain of our present-day verse.

Had you been alive today-

Your hand would have been enough 

To draw the portrait of my heart

Alas! What an unfortunate age had borne you

You had the sword and shield

You had the moon and mountains

You had the sun and stars

You had the telescope to see 

The inner cells of human thoughts and passions

Shakespeare, had you been alive at these hours of ours

I would have patronized you with all my feelings and thoughts

With all my scars and wounds

To give birth to an epic 

That would have been the longest of all 

That the world has been lamentably deprived of.

Alas! But you are no more

Death has swept away your soul

From this mortal Earth to make us poor forever.

Remain well where you are 

But bless me thence

That I can wrap up my thoughts in a perennial pot

Shakespeare, the maestro, I’ll meet you in Heaven 

But before having our meeting 

Let me have performed my destined duty 

With your blessed hand. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Love Again


Again I wish to love you anew

With all your blur and stain

Again I want to have the lost moon

With all its eclipses

Again I wish to smear the tears on my cheeks

Again I desire to have the sun 

With all its heat and light

Again I want to lose myself

 In the darkness of the deep night

I’ve lived long and yet I wish to live more

Only for your love.

You are the lost diary I want to retrieve it

Throwing my eyes in which

I want to enjoy my past wounds and joys, 

Tears and pleasures, smiles and weeping.

The sun may lose its light

The mountain peak may sink under the ocean

The sky may fall down on the earth

But I want not to lose my love

You may turn your eyes away 

You may forget my image

You may hate me, you may curse me 

With all your might- yet I’ll be loving you

I’m like the star of the northern sky

That shifts not with the change of the Earth’s motion. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Yet We Know not Them


I’ve heard the names of many birds

I’ve seen many of them

And I’ve missed seeing even many of them

Some are yellow, some are blue

Some are black, some are brown

And some are crimson and some are hoary

But many are neither yellow nor blue,

Nor red nor black.

Only a few are vegetarians

But most are carnivorous

We live with them

We play with them

We eat and drink with them

We sleep with them

We rejoice with them

We weep with them 

Yet we don’t know them

Neither have they known to us! 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

If It is the Time 


If it is the time of my departure

Let me set out soon,

I’m ever ready to meet my Lord

In Heaven beyond the moon.


If it is the end of my travelling

Let cease my sojourn here,

Let me ride the divine chariot

At this very hour.


If I’m summoned by my Lord

To appear in Heaven

Let me leave my hopes and desire 

Let me enter my Eden. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

If You Love Me


If you love me

I can run to thee

More swiftly than the wind blows

To please and lull thee.


If you love me

I am forever happy

Thousand vigilant nights I can have

To give thee my company.


If you love me

Just now I can die

If you love me- let me know

I’ll cease to sigh. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Dark Starry Night

Friend, come out of your bed

Don’t weep, no tears please shed,

When the world is in its rest

Come out– it is the time best,

Look at the mid-night dark sky

Look, how the nymphs fly by!


How beautiful, how sweet are the stars

Biding welcome to us from so far,

Look, how gently they are twinkling

With joy dancing and singing,

The song that is melodious to ears

None but a poet’s heart can hear.


They are nothing but divine rays

Sent by Lord whom we all obey,

O dear, come and look and enjoy

Throwing away your fancy toy,

How sweet is their silent voice

No horror, no fear, no noise!


How lively, how comely they are

Are not they dearer like our mother?

Friend come and open your heart

They would provide you with mirth,

The wiser lesson they can teach

If you can realize and don’t miss!


Dear friend, come don’t retreat

It is a source of joy, not deceit,

Come and come near and feel

The night sky is a sweet and tasty pill

That can cure all your pain

Don’t weep, don’t weep in vain!


When I’m overcrowded by woes

I come out of my bed of roses,

And to the sky, I cast my eyes

Bidding goodbye to my pains,

I gaze and feel ease seeing the sight 

How lovely the dark starry night! 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Your Love Has Made Me Divine


When you were not- I had nothing

Only over my head, there was the blue sky

And in that sky there were stars

I derived my lonely joys from their twinkling.

In front of my eyes, there were only flowers

I derived my hopes of life from them

And thus I kept me living.

When you were not- I had nothing 

Only the sun and the moon

And I derived my love from them

For my empty soul.

There was the grass full of greens

And I derived my ecstasy from them 

For my thirsty heart.

When you were not- I had nothing

Only dark and dark-

Dark in front of me

And dark was at my back.

And the light was unknown to me.


Now here you are 

And now I have everything.

And wherever I look at- I see only thee

You are my reality, you are my dream

You are peace, you are my repose, you are my shelter.

Now I see no flower, no sky, no grass, no bird

You are my everything- my entire entity

Love, my dictionary where I find the meanings of life

You are my song, my music, my lyre, my flute

I can make all sorts of tones playing on thee.

You are my day, you are my night

You are my love, you are my life.

You are my world-

Wherever I look on I see only thee

I’m made blind by your love

Your love has made me divine. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes 



No, I’ll not break the bond

O Pleasure don’t be proud,

All that I was addicted to and fond

Were deceits and fraud.


From my lines and verses if immoral

I will shun, go away,

And take to compile the things floral

And evoke the beauty of May.


A month full of life and spring

A compact disk of joy,

I’ll evoke the bright morning

And if else joyous day.


I’ll keep intact the bond of the Lord

And follow the plain path,

Of truth and honesty, oh Lord

Retrieve my lost mirth.


God is ever ready to throw His grace

If we can receive,

All things are bright and nice

If we can conceive.


Our Lord is the most graceful and kind

All things belong to Him,

Dearer they who are not blind.

Oh! Bestow your bliss.


Here I’m bound to follow His bond

Of a graceful way,

Free from all beauty feigned

Spurious in life’s bay.


Bond showed by our Lord to everybody

Bestowed by Divinity

I’ll follow with a devoted heart openly

Free from all doubt and guilt. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Children at Play


A little child was playing

With a ball in his hand

That radiated the silvern light

As the balls in the sky

Send us light at night.

The boy was rejoicing as he was at play

He kissed the ball, manipulated the ball

With his soft fingers. 

He looked at the ball and smiled

And dreamed of a world full of peace and joy.

Then he looked at the sky

Holding his hands up to Heaven

And his face became brighter and brighter.

Some more children of his age

Came and joined him and began to play in a company

One gave it to the hand of another

And then to others

And such was their sports.

Surrounding the children there was a crowd of vultures-

Some were gazing at the children,

Some were gaping up their mouths greedily

Some were flying over their heads,

Some were dancing wild dances.

Suddenly all the vultures 

Swept upon the children in sports 

And snatched away the ball

They broke the ball into pieces and ate greedily.

Blood came out of the ball 

That froze the spirit of Earth 

And the soul of the poet. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes 

The Red Rose and the Sea


My sorrows are in the red rose

And my joys?

My joys are in the bed of the sea

But until today I’ve not seen the sea.


My sorrows are like a modern jet plane

Swifter than the speed of an arrow

Stronger than a volcano.


My joys are like a bird

With neither wings nor legs

Neither moves nor walks

As much as I run to see its face

So much it keeps behind.


My sorrows are my friends

That never betray

Nor do they leave me alone.

My joys are my antagonists

That howls at me like a lion 

And chases after me to keep me tired. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes 

Days Ahead


I’m lying here being a ruined city

Ruined by Alexander the great

Or by Napoleon the hero of Destiny

I like to be defeated as victory is unknown to me.

O my comrades, if you stand by me.

I can gift you the days ahead full of 

Peace, equality, fraternity and security

And a life to live like a man. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes



I’ve strength in my arms

I’ve strength in my hand and fist

But more strength is in my mind.

I can make the water of the sea vapour

I can throw the sands of the deserts down the oceans

I can bring the moon down from the yonder blue

The time is imminent

But I’ve to loiter a little

Because they- for whom I’ll do so 

Are asleep still. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes 

To Nightingale


Nightingale, the mystery of both Earth and Heaven

The Queen of all the beings that can fly 

Thou art the only link between this mortal Earth 

And the ever-living Heaven.

Thou art the maestro of all the songs and tunes

The poets are mad of thy mellifluous music

Thou art no more suited for a world like ours

But I know- thou had been a nymph

In your previous life

And for thousand and thousand of years

Heaven was thy abode till just before the chaos.

There thou had been living amid all sorts 

Of comforts and joys without limits.

Some thousands of maiden were thy attendants.

Thou had been the paragon of beauty and charm

To have thy love thousands and thousands of angels

Become mad and lost their sleep and forgot to take food.

After chasing you for some million years

An angel happened to allure you to love.

For many years thou had been enjoying 

The warm affection of thy beloved.

Thou had all the flowers on thy hair lock

All the diamonds had been under thy feet

And all the beauty had moved round thy shade.

Amid such tender comforts, thy pride grew blinder

And the devil then with all his might 

Succeeded to allure thee

And for thy thirst of vain desire

Thou had broken thy chastity forever

What a woe thou bought in vain!

Once thy harlotry came to light 

And thy angel forsook thee forever.

But it was too late that thou came to repent.

God threw thee from heaven to this woeful earth

Since then thou art a cursed being

And have been repenting with a mournful tongue

Day and night in solitary perch 

Sometimes flying here and there 

Being away from the human mark

Sometimes flying  from the earth to the border of heaven

And from heaven to earth.

Thou art buried in thy own sin 

And have been burning in thy own fire

And this atonement  must continue 

till the doomsday.

Thy songs are the sighs of thy woes

But the poets being unaware of thy sin

Ignorantly praise thee in vain. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes 

Common Road


The road that is mine is yours also

I am in the midst of the road-

Around me, there are many like I

Many of them are known to me-

I know some of them are my brothers,

Some are my sisters, some are my masters, 

Some are my colleagues.

What I like they also like

What I dislike they also dislike

(Even I am taught to like what I dislike

And to dislike what I like)

We walk down the same road.

Some of us sing a song while walking down the road

Some songs are of sadness

Some are of merriments

Some play on their cymbal,

Some on their flute made of wild reeds.

Some walk ahead throwing their eyes to the greens

And to the bare trees beside the road.

Some neither sing nor play

But only laugh

Some do nothing but cry

Some lay asleep

Some walk ahead but keep their eyes at their back

Some with reticent voice 

Some with a blind frozen heart

All walk through the same road

All are strangers to the world

They all walk through the same road

But their gait of walking makes the difference.

Most of them follow something

And some follow nothing but remain where they are

But this poor poet is an exception-

He has nothing to follow. 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes

Two Path Ahead




I’ve two opposite paths-

Opposite to each other- in front of me

Which path should I take?

Or which should I forsake

Or which path suits me best

I know not.

I’m in a dilemma- amid sea-

Like a ship captain who has lost his magnet.

I’m like a child who has lost both 

His father and mother.

Yes, I’ve two opposite paths-

Opposite to each other

One is of Death and the other is of Life

One is of thorns and blood

And the other is of green grass.

One is of the night and the other is of the light

One is of fire and the other is a breeze.

The beginning of both path is the same

Both provide light at first

Both give pain at first

Both give dark at first.

Which path should I take?

I’ve lost my discriminating power to choose the suited one

As all my days and nights have passed

In search of fuel for my hungry heart.




So oh! My God-

It’s I’ve closed my eyes

Please guide me as you wish me to be guided

If you lead me to the path of death

To the path of thorns and blood

To the path of night and to the path of fire-

I’ll welcome it.

Or if you lead me to the path of Life

To the path of green grass

To the path of the sun and to the path of breeze-

I’ll welcome it.

I’ll have no sorrow, no pain if you lead me 

To the path you wish me to take

Both paths are better for me-

O, God! If I meet you in the end! 0 0 0

A Heart Full Of Golden Hopes


The End


Books of Composition by M. Menonimus:

  1. Advertisement Writing
  2. Amplification Writing
  3. Note Making
  4. Paragraph Writing
  5. Notice Writing
  6. Passage Comprehension
  7. The Art of Poster Writing
  8. The Art of Letter Writing
  9. Report Writing
  10. Story Writing
  11. Substance Writing
  12. School Essays Part-I
  13. School Essays Part-II
  14. School English Grammar Part-I
  15. School English Grammar Part-II..

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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