9th Love Letter to Liza


9th Love Letter to Liza

9th Love Letter to Liza

9th Love Letter to Liza

My Dearest Liza,
As the days of our love journey unfold, I find myself immersed in a whirlwind of emotions. Today marks the 9th day of our love, and it has been a tumultuous one, filled with unexpected twists and turns. Allow me to recount the events that have transpired since our last encounter.
The day following our 8th day of love found me confined to a hospital bed, my body weakened by an illness whose nature eluded the understanding of the doctors. After three long days, I was finally released, though my consciousness seemed altered, and I emerged from that sterile environment devoid of any semblance of shyness or cowardice. My thoughts were solely consumed by you.
Without wasting a moment, I hurriedly changed my attire and ventured out of my house, with only one destination in mind—your home. A bus became my vessel, carrying me closer to you with each passing minute. After a half-hour journey, I disembarked at your village bus point, my heart racing in anticipation. Yet, I could not find the strength to proceed to your house. My mind ceased to function, leaving me in a state of confusion and uncertainty.
In my disoriented state, I sought refuge at the house of our classmate, Alish. Casting aside all remnants of shyness, hesitation, and fear, I bared my soul to her, expressing the depth of my love for you. I confessed that without you, my existence would be devoid of meaning. Alish, in her kindness, promised to convey my heartfelt message to you. This assurance granted me a flicker of hope, and I departed on a borrowed bike from a friend who happened to pass by on his way back from the market.
As I rode home, a subtle lightness settled within my heart. The weight of my unspoken emotions had been lifted, and I found solace in the fact that at least one person, particularly your dear classmate, Alish, knew of my affection for you. Her words of support and her promise to take positive action on my behalf brought a glimmer of optimism to my world.
In tandem with this change in my inner landscape, the heavens themselves seemed to mirror my shifting emotions. The dark clouds that shrouded the sky began to dissipate, unveiling a resplendent shade of blue. It felt as though the universe itself was aligning with my fervent desire to be with you, painting the sky with hope and possibilities.
Liza, my love, I write this letter to you with a heart brimming with anticipation. Though the journey thus far has been beset with challenges, my unwavering devotion to you remains steadfast. I eagerly await the moment when our paths will cross again, and the story of our love can continue to unfold.
With all the love in my heart,
M M.
9th Love Letter to Liza
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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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