8th Love Letter to Liza


8th Love Letter to Liza

8th Love Letter to Liza

8th Love Letter to Liza

My Dearest Liza,
As I pen these words, my heart is filled with an indescribable longing for you. Today, the 8th day of our love, has brought forth emotions that have consumed me entirely. It is as though I have lost myself in the depths of my affection for you. Your absence has rendered my senses useless, leaving me in a state of absolute madness.
When I say I must have you, it is not merely a passing desire, but a profound need that resonates deep within my being. I am resolute in my determination to approach you and offer you the entirety of my love. All hesitation, cowardice, and shyness have been cast aside, for in the face of this overwhelming affection, they hold no weight.
In my desperation to catch a glimpse of you, I found myself almost creeping along your school road, yearning for your presence. Though the day was clouded and the cold wind blew relentlessly, the hustle and bustle of the street, with people passing by on their way to the market, went unnoticed. My eyes were fixed solely on you, my gaze unwavering.
I waited patiently until three o’clock in the afternoon, hoping against hope that you would appear. However, my heart sank as you did not grace me with your presence. I was overwhelmed with frustration, unable to return home as my feet refused to move. I felt weak, so feeble that the prospect of death seemed preferable to enduring such a state of longing. In that moment, I realized that only you, my beloved, held the power to save me.
As the western sky darkened and heavy rain poured down from the heavens, a stark contrast to the fire that raged within me, I found solace in the belief that your love could quench this relentless heat. Despite the downpour, I remained consumed by a burning passion, yearning for your touch, your affection, and your love.
Liza, my love, I beseech you to understand the depths of my feelings. It is in your presence that I find solace, and without you, I am but a lost soul wandering aimlessly. I implore you to bestow upon me the gift of your love, to fill the void within my heart and bring me back to life.
With all the love in my heart,
M M.
8th Love Letter to Liza
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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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