6th Love Letter to Liza


6th Love Letter to Liza

6th Love Letter to Liza

6th Love Letter to Liza

My Dearest Liza,
As the sixth day of our love journey unfolded, it coincided with the cherished occasion of Valentine’s Day—a day when lovers across the world express their affection through greetings and gifts. While the true origins of this holiday remain somewhat shrouded in history, it is believed to have evolved from the Roman festival of Lupercalia, a celebration of the arrival of spring and the pairing off of men and women through lottery.
In the yearning of my heart, I wished to pour forth my love for you on this special day, but alas, my timid nature held me back. I am left feeling unfortunate, as if I were purposeless in the eyes of the divine. Without you, my love, my life seems empty, devoid of meaning. I longed to express the depth of my affection, but my timidity got the better of me. I curse my own nature, feeling that my existence serves no purpose, that I am but a mere cipher.
I am lost, my love, alone and destitute of everything. It pains me beyond measure that I lacked the words to convey the intensity of my emotions. I suffer in silence, yearning to be able to show you the depths of my love. It is a torment that I bear, knowing that my tongue failed to articulate what my heart so ardently desired to express.
Dear Liza, please understand the depths of my agony, for it is in my inability to demonstrate my love that I find the greatest despair. My soul longs for you, yearns for the day when I can stand before you, shedding all inhibitions and offering my heartfelt affection without reserve.
Yours, with a love that transcends words,
M M.
6th Love Letter to Liza
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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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