22nd Love Letter to Liza


22nd Love Letter to Liza

22nd Love Letter to Liza

22nd Love Letter to Liza

My Dearest Liza,

Within the canvas of my memories, there exists a radiant day, forever etched in the corridors of my heart. It was on that resplendent occasion that you graced me with the sweetest of affirmations, accepting my proposal and embarking upon this journey of love as my beloved girlfriend. From that moment onward, my life has been adorned with the hues of goodness and cheer, each day bearing witness to the blessings that your presence bestows upon my existence.

Our courting days, like the blossoming petals of a magnificent flower, have woven a tapestry of joy within the recesses of my soul. With every passing moment spent in your delightful company, my heart swells with anticipation for the future we shall create together. It is a future brimming with infinite possibilities, a symphony of love that will reverberate through the ages.

In the words of Kazi Nazrul Islam, the poet whose verses capture the essence of our ardor, “My heart’s garden blooms with the fragrance of your love.” Indeed, Liza, your love has permeated the very essence of my being, infusing my days with the sweetest melodies of happiness. Like the sun that illuminates the world, your presence brings warmth and light to the darkest corners of my existence.

In the embrace of our affection, I find solace, for it is within the sacred realm of our love that my dreams find wings to soar. With you by my side, the future shimmers with possibilities, like a vast canvas waiting to be painted with the strokes of our shared adventures. Together, we shall weave a narrative that transcends the confines of ordinary existence, crafting a love story that is whispered through the ages.

As we traverse the landscapes of life, navigating its ebbs and flows, let us hold fast to the bond that unites us, for it is a bond forged in the fires of passion and fortified by the strength of our commitment. With each passing day, my love for you deepens, for it is an eternal flame that burns unwaveringly within my heart.

Liza, my cherished one, may these words serve as a testament to the depth of my love for you, a love that surpasses the boundaries of time and space. Together, let us continue to walk hand in hand, creating a symphony of love that resonates throughout eternity.

With a heart overflowing with devotion,
M M.

22nd Love Letter to Liza

N.B. The article ’22nd Love Letter to Liza’ originally belongs to the book ‘Love Letters to Liza‘ by Menonim Menonimus.

Books of Essay by M. Menonimus:

  1. Love Letters to Liza
  2. Let’s Look Into
  3. Essays on Science and Technology
  4. Articles on Contemporary Affairs
  5. Gleaned Essays

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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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