11th Love Letter to Liza


11th Love Letter to Liza

11th Love Letter to  Liza

11th Love Letter to  Liza

My Dearest Liza,
As the 11th day of our love journey dawns upon us, I find myself immersed in a whirlwind of emotions. At 2 PM, my mother called me to dinner, but an overwhelming anxiety rendered me void of hunger. I declined her invitation, and though she rebuked me, I bore her words in silence. Little did she know that I was grappling with the weight of the world’s worst anxiety, consumed by thoughts of you.
Quickly washing my hands and face, I dressed with a sense of urgency. Our economic circumstances prevented me from acquiring a bike, so I patiently waited for the arrival of the public bus that would carry me to the school garden where we were to meet. After what felt like an eternity, the much-anticipated bus finally arrived, and I eagerly boarded it. By 3:15 PM, I reached my destination, only to find it devoid of any presence. Perching myself upon a small hill, I anxiously waited, minutes stretching into elongated hours.
As my anxiety mounted, a glimmer of hope appeared on the horizon. Alish, the bearer of news, emerged into view. However, to my dismay, she was alone, unaccompanied by any other figure. With a playful jest, she greeted me, but withheld the answers I sought. “I will tell you nothing,” she said, “for the cause of your love will speak to you herself.” With these words, she retrieved her phone and dialed your number.
After a moment that felt like an eternity, you, my beloved Liza, appeared before me. From a distance, I beheld you wearing a black gown, draped with a scarf. Simple in attire, yet radiating heavenly glory and splendor, you stood before me, more enchanting and captivating than the nymphs of heaven. The gentle wind caressed our surroundings, the sun gracefully descending towards the western horizon. The environment was serene and solitary, with no one else in sight. You approached me, taking a seat beside Alish, and for a moment, I lowered my gaze, unable to meet your eyes. My heart began to race once more, filled with anticipation and uncertainty. I wondered, “What will transpire? Will you accept or reject my proposal?”
After a while, Alish broke the silence, urging you to express your thoughts on the matter discussed the previous day. You spoke, your voice laced with a hint of hesitation, and laid forth two conditions. If I could abide by them, you would have no objection. Without a moment’s hesitation, I replied, “I am ready to obey not only two but a hundred and thousand conditions if it means your acceptance of my love. Please, tell me.”
With grace, you expressed your conditions. First, that I would love no other girl but you. Second, that I would not touch your body. I agreed instantly, without a second thought, for my love for you knows no bounds. Since that moment, we have become lovers, and you, my Liza, are the fulfillment of my dreams. I promise to love you with every fiber of my being, for all the days of my life.
As the sun cast its yellow hues, the darkness of the night enveloped us. We bid each other farewell, walking our separate paths. With each step, the night sky unveiled its tapestry of bright stars, twinkling in countless numbers, as if celebrating the union of our hearts.
Liza, my love, the 11th day of our love marks the beginning of a new chapter, a testament to the strength of our affection. Together, we shall traverse the night, guided by the luminous stars above, and create a love story that shines brightly in the cosmos.
With all the love in my heart,
M M.
11th Love Letter to  Liza
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I am Menonim Menonimus, a Philosopher & Writer.


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